I was recently commissioned to make a Queen sized quilt. Yea, I know what you are thinking…. I’m insane for taking on this job. I know I am but I figured why not? I love a challenge! Remember the quilting software I always blog about…it’s fabulous! But like everything it has its pros and cons. The one con I can find with it is that it tricks you! You start designing your quilt in the software program and it’s sooooo easy that it tricks you into thinking that making the actual quilt will be as easy as designing it! It looks so perfect on my computer screen that I forget how many blocks I will have to cut, press, and piece to get to the actual finished product!
Let me paint you a better of picture of what exactly this Queen sized quilt project entails. I had to wash, press and starch a ton of fabric to begin with. Then I had to cut out 480 squares total from four different fabrics. The quilt is made up of 30 blocks that measure 16″ x 16″ each. Each one of those blocks is made up of 16 smaller blocks. And those 16 smaller blocks are made up of 32 individual triangles. So, all in all the quilt is made up of 960 triangle patches.This is the design I created in EQ6. The colors are just used to give me an idea because the chances of me finding fabrics to match exactly are slim to none.
Here is the finished block. The white fabric has tiny silver sprinkles.
This is my first (and probably my last) Queen sized quilt. Did I mention the entire thing needs to be done, quilted, and bound by July 19th?
I’m off to sew…
beautiful design..c’mon surely you can do it!! ^_^
Crafty Gemini
I’m trying Phiphi… I’m trying…. :oP
Grandma Nell
You should look into Jody Barrows “Square in a Square” way of piecing! You would go much faster!! 🙂 I too am up against a deadline – my son is getting married on August 21 and I have a vacation trip planned in July – and haven’t even cut out the fabric – it is 85 x 110 and is a difficult pattern! Hopefully it will go together easily tho! Can’t wait to get started, just wish I could stay home (not work full time) or have people planning my evening hours for me! UGH! Your quilt idea is beautiful! Don’t you just love EQ? I do! I have EQ7 now and LOVE it! So much fun!
LynnEl in Illinois
Crafty Gemini
@LynnEl: I will look into that method. I saw something about a special ruler you have to have to do it. Do you have it? Is it worth it? I may have to get that since I love making different geometric designs using half square triangles. As for your big quilt…. AAHHH!! You haven’t even cut out the fabric yet! And you have a full time job! I am sending happy thoughts your way that it does come together quickly and easily! I love EQ 5 and 6.. and I, too have EQ7 but haven’t had a chance to sit down and play with it yet! OH! If only I had more time!!
This is beautiful! I envy your skills. 🙂