If you know anything about me you know I stay busy. For some crazy reason the more I have on my plate the better I do. It may just be because I’m super hyper (naturally) and am always looking for the next fun thing to get into. This week my brain has convinced me that I have all the time in the world because I’ve decided to take a bread-making class with a local expert. That was Sunday…today is Friday and I have already made 5 loaves of freshly made whole wheat bread! Pretty insane I know… but it’s so much fun!
I realize that for some of you making bread from scratch (WITHOUT a mixer or a bread maker) is not exactly your idea of fun.. but it really is! You can make delicious bread using only your ingredients, a bowl, and a wooden spoon. You can throw in whatever extra ingredients you want and not have to worry about preservatives. The bread can even be made into any shape you want. How fun would it be to make funky dough shapes with your kids?!
Look at that yummy, fluffy, and yeasty dough! That’s how you know your yeast was that good stuff! I knew this double batch would make for very poofy bread. After spending 15 minutes trying to decide what “extras” to throw in this dough I decided to keep it simple with whole wheat flour and some rolled oats. I made 2 loaves and the had a little leftover to make three small dough balls for some dinner rolls.
Look how high it rose! LOL. My bread looks like it’s on steroids! You may be laughing but I know you wish you had a bite of this warm delicious homemade bread! The crust is so crispy and the inside sooooo fluffy. This is the perfect combination. That shiny gold crust you see is all thanks to brushing on a little egg wash (beating one egg and a splash of water).
If you have never tried making bread from scratch.. give it a try! It’s an amazing experience.
Happy breadmaking!
You helped me out of a bind today (hehe). I must have watched 15 videos on how to attach quilt binding and yours helped me the most. Great quality video, closeups and teaching method. Thanks for doin what you do!
Crafty Gemini
Glad I was able to help! Attaching binding to a quilt is not as daunting as many may think! :o)
I watched your video on you tube for making bread but could not tell what type of yeast you are using. I tried using Active Dry Yeast (1 and 1/2 teaspoons to 1 1/2 cups of water) but it did not rise. What type of yeast are you using? You make it look so easy, I couldn’t wait to try. Thanks, Fran
I used the same active dry yeast, After 2 tries it worked. I think my water was to hot and not enough sugar. I was using honey at first, then tried regular sugar and tap water and worked perfect.
Can this recipe be made in loaf pans? If so how can I tell when it’s done? Love your video. Thank you.