Hoopla Pops Quilt Tutorial

My second Moda Bake Shop tutorial is now live!
I call it Hoopla Pops!
Click HERE for the step-by-step tutorial. 
I loved working with this line of fabric.  Bright and cheerful- exactly what I love!
p.s- There are only 3 days left to vote and help me win YouTube’s NextUp Contest!  It only takes a few seconds! Simply click HERE and give my video entry a “thumbs up.” You can vote every day until Friday, April 8th. THANKS!

4 replies on “Hoopla Pops Quilt Tutorial

  • sally mortenson

    I am wondering why you chose to defer attaching the applique circles until the entire quilt top is sewn. It seems it would be easier to attach them to the two charms after you have sewn the charms together because there is much less fabric to manipulate in the machine at that point in assembling the quilt.
    sally mortenson

  • Crafty Gemini

    Sally: I waited just because I hadn’t decided where I wanted to place the circles so early on in the process. I like to let the fabric kinda tell me where it wants to go and I felt I needed to see the finished quilt top to decide that. Feel free to add them whenever/wherever you want. :o)


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