Hi all! We have reviewed the (almost 1,500!) responses to the online quilt retreat survey we sent out last week and I wanted to thank you for completing it! We received some great insight and I’m excited to share this next step with you! I am working with several other quilting instructors to bring you an event like no other! A virtual quilt retreat where you get to attend video courses, interact with other quilters, enter to win prizes and even get to chat with me live once a month!
Watch this short video for an update and then don’t forget to scroll down to enter the giveaway! Signing up for the giveaway will also ensure that you receive my emails about the upcoming online retreat! I’ll share pictures of the class I’ll be teaching and give you some behind the scenes info so you can join us when it’s time.
We are still working out the details but wanted to offer a FREE spot in our retreat to one of you! That’s right. One Crafty Gemini follower will win a FREE spot to be a part of this amazing virtual retreat! So, feel free to share this post with any of your quilty friends who you know would be interested.
To enter all you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter widget below! Easy peasy!
{P.S.- If you want to learn more about Quilted Adventure and the other virtual art retreats offered online click HERE.}
Teri Strain
Would love to attend this online retreat
Nancy Noble
Would love to attend online retreat!!!!!!
Cassandra Dancause
Thanks so much for the opportunity! I’m a newbie to quilting & can’t really afford a retreat even though I would have loved to go to the one you had just up the road from me at Missouri Quilt 🙂 this at least gives me a chance so thanks so much! I love you tuts & watch them all the time for different things. I’m making a bunch of the casserole carries this year for Christmas! Thanks again & keep up the awesome work!
Marilyn Markle
I am so excited to be a part of this group and hope to make more new friends! I believe that “hands on” learning is the best way for me to learn something new! I just get overwhelmed with all the “wording” that is associated with books and paper patterns.
Let’s get this party started! Weeeeeeeeee!
Tanya Anderson
Sounds like tons of fun@
Would love to see what the online retreats would show 🙂
Jessica Stone
Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in the quilting retreat. I am really excited about it and I know I will learn a lot. I am new to quilting & have been following you for about 6 months & I have already learned a ton. I also have been following Jenny and she is just as Amazing as you are. Thank you again.
Sounds like fun – hope I win. Love your videos and tutorials, and love seeing you paired up with Jenny Doan of MSQC.
I love anything that has to do with quilting, free motion, 3d machine sewing, you name it I try it
Sounds like fun, I would like to see the list of instructors and projects.
Thank you so much for ALL your videos. I am a beginner quilter and I’m still working on putting together the 16-1/2×16-1/2 quilt you posted. Although mine came out at 16″ and I am putting a ruffle around it! I am hoping I can join this class of quilting and have tons of scraps of material around. Right now I’m working on a quiet book for the grandbaby and WOW its a lot of work! But thank.you so much Vanessa you have insoired me more than you know! I don’t have too much of a life outside of sewing and you are an amazing woman!!!!!
Inraised my 2 girls by myself and held 3 jobs, we did a lot of crafts together, now I’m older and I don’t know where the energy had come from maybe it was because I had to do it!
Thank you again for your inspirations!!!!!!
Vero Beach Florida
Ollie Morton
It would be a lot of fun to take classes from 12 teachers. I hope I can be apart of this retreat.
Debra A.
Thank You for a chance at give away. Would love to do this.
Melissa Greenfield
Love your tutorials and that you teamed with Jenny! Thanks for an opportunity, sounds like fun!
Mary L
Looking forward to it.
Nancy H
Love learning from you….I would love the opportunity to win access to this great idea!
Georgette M
So looking forward to yearl long quilting lessons. Thanks for a chance of winning a spot.
Mary Harris
I am very new to quilting but I have been watching so many YouTube videos and I have been learning so much…Thank you for a chance at the give away!!!
Misty P
I think this would be a lot fun. I dont have a lot of time to go to a retreat or the money to go to a local Quilt shop weekend retreat. Would love to do this though. Thank you for your tutorials. You are an inspiration to us all.
Ok dumb question how much does it cost to sign up beginner and interested
Marge Herrekk
Love to win a spot
Charity Harrison
i would love the chance to win a spot in the online quilting retreat. I am a newbie and since my funds are very limited I have been using youtube videos to learn. I have checked out a few books in my local library but they are for the more advanced quilter. Since I do things alone, a virtual class with others would be great. It would give me a chance to learn from them and to see if we can help one another become even better quilters. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Thank you for a chance to attend!
I would love to know who you chose as instructors and also what type of projects are planned.
HOPE to win, that’s the only way I can attend
Really really hope I win a spot in the retreat. I’m a newbie and love learning about all sewing projects. I’m addicted.
Joy Lewis
Vanessa been following you on your site and made several of your projects new to quilting and love to learn more. Being on fixed income this online retreat will be great love to win a spot.
Marcia T.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!! This would be so delightful. A perfect venue for those who r house bound.
Julie Barkley
Thank you for giving us a chance to win this! I am so excited by the chance of winning!
Thank you for this opportunity to join in an online retreat. I have only been quilting and sewing for a month and you are very inspiring and easy to understand. I love your teaching style. Thank you for all you do.
Karol S
What a great opportunity!
So excited to learn new things. Love your posts and videos! Thanks for the opportunity to maybe win a spot! ????☺️
I hope I win, I bet I could learn a lot form you since I already have with all your other neat projects
Anne McKenzie
Thank you so much for this chance to win a spot on your online quilt retreat. I have been watching you for a couple of years. It has been fun to watch your style has developed. I would love to be part of it, would just love to win this????
Sandie L
Been following you since the beginningand love what you’ve developed into here. What ever became of the law degree? I’m just curious as you were a law student when we started together, Vanessa.
Vanessa Vargas Wilson
Hi Sandie! I graduated from law school in 2008 and went on to teach law classes in Santa Fe College’s paralegal program. I left that job to pursue Crafty Gemini full-time several years ago. 🙂
Brandi Klinkenberg
Yay!!! I love this idea of an online retreat!! Girl, my husband has some trips to Germany and training coming up where he is gonna be gone. We are also waiting for the powers that be to decide if we are going to be moving…again.. And where! Army wife life is so hectic and drives me crazy as a planner and like to know of upcoming things well in advance. So I think this online retreat is going to be something fantastic!!!!
You have my support girl! I love all things Crafty Gemini!!
Thank you so much for this giveaway! How exciting!!! 🙂
Robin Veysey
Do love retreats.
Lillian M
Thank you for a chance to win, and looking forward to the details of this new online adventure ! Having you and Jenny involve in this is really great, and the up and coming teachers that will be teaching too is really going to be fun and a great learning experience.
Odie Keith
Thank you for this great opportunity. I am one of those beginners you mentioned, but with the constraints of my job, I have been unable to attend a class at my local quilt store (which is at least 45-60 minutes away.) That’s why I love your tutorials and Jenny Doan’s @MSQ so much. I can view them and work on things when I have some down time (usually late at night). I am definitely ready to go on an adventure with you all! Thank you again .
Pauline Springett
Great idea Vanessa, can’t wait to see what’s ahead for everyone.
Keep doing what your doing.
Thanks for offering this. This is awesome.
Hi Vanessa, thank you so much to be able to have a chance to win. I am a beginner quilter. And I have been following you for 5 months. Love the classes!!!!
I’m always willing to learn. winning will may it more enjoyable.
A. States
Been sewing for over 30 years but fairly new to quilting. An online quilting retreat would be awesome!
Love your teaching style! Learned a lot from you! Would love to win! Thanks for all your help and inspiration!
Woohoo, this sounds great. I am trying to practice basic skills, but I know I am lacking many of them. I like your videos and how you explain very clearly the task at hand. Thank you for all the great videos and I love the idea of a quilt class in my own home. Thank you!
Thank you for this quilting giveaway! The online retreat is àn exciting opportunity to learn more about this beautiful art.
Elaine R
Thank you for the chance to win Vanessa????
I am a beginner at quitting, but haven’t sewn in years!
love all your videos for refreshing my sewing skills.
Please pick me ????????
Thanks for a chance to win.
Claudia Voorhees
Great give away.
Thanks for the opportunity
Mary Carlson
What an awesome opportunity! Thanks!
Wanda W
Oh my goodness…. That would be fantastic. I definitely don’t have an opportunity to get out of the house often (due to illness) and I watch your videos faithfully. It would certainly help me feel “in the loop” for a change.
Thanks for the chance 🙂
Hi Vanessa!,t
Id love to win this so I can get some extra assistance. Im house bound & unable to get out. Blessings….kathy
susan cross
id love to do the online retreat. fun idea.
Thank you so much! I would love more instruction! L
Linda walter
I hope I can join in this online retreat
Joanne Beyer
Hi Vanessa, I am looking forward to the online retreat! I have been following you ever since I saw the Improv Tote Bag tutorial. I’m hooked!! 🙂
Thanks for the opportunity! to win a free seat!
I’m so excited. I’ve been planning to start a quilting routine now that summer is over. This could keep me on track.
Dee S
Great giveaway for great adventure Thanks for the opportunity
I’m confused. Did me simply subscribing to the site automatically enter me to win? Do I need to give any additional info? This idea just came in time. I was just looking for a guild to join this week, and I can’t find any which were near by or set to my work schedule.
Vanessa Vargas Wilson
To enter the giveaway you need to login to the Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post.
Thanks so much!
Anne-Marie Webster
I’m relatively new to quilting and have never attended a retreat. This would be the perfect opportunity to join the fun and learn from all the experts. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
I cannot wait for more details! Loving this idea!!
Crystal Williams
Thanks so much for the opportunity! I love all your videos! I would so love to attend a retreat of yours but with 3 small children, it is hard to get away. This would be perfect!!!
I would LOVE to win a seat for this retreat!
It would be great to learn things the right way,
instead of winging it . . .
Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the opportunity!! Looking forward to hearing more about the retreat.
Thank you for offering a chance to win!
Joan swanson
It would be so nice to win. I have not done a retreat before. Thank you.
What a great idea! Thanks for offering an opportunity for someone to win this !
First thank you for this opportunity to attend this retreat. I really like the idea of having such a fun way to learn and create.
Pamela T
I’m so grateful and excited for an opportunity to win a spot at the online retreat. I been excited about the retreat since I completed the survey. This sounds soooo exciting! We’ll be able to learn from and talk to the teachers. Wow! Can you tell I’m EXCITED! 🙂
Marcia H
I just found recently started watching your channel. I subscribed and have learned a lot and look forward to learning more from you. I jumped at an opportunity to win a spot at the online retreat. I live in a very small town where there are no quilting teachers or groups. I have been learning from books and trial and error. I am so pleased to be here. Even if I don’t win I am pleased that I finally found help. 🙂
Thank you I’m very excited. I want to learn I’m from Saudi Arabia and we have no teachers for this Patching
Debbie Williams
Would love this, thanks for the opportunity
Thank you for the opportunity to learn and expand on my abilities.
Brigit Dermott
Awesome post Vanessa!
This is going to be great
I love this idea, this would be great for me. I have such a hard time trying to take classes and I’m ALWAYS the one problem person in the class that doesn’t quite get it. I feel really dumb in a room full of people who are just sewing right along and I’m trying to get through the first step and the rest of class is on step 3! Learning to quilt has been very frustrating for me. I keep trying though.
Linda Johnson
I’ve never been to ANY quilt retreat, but they sound like fun. I’d love to participate in your on-line retreat.
Wendy McCaig
This is such a great idea and very helpful. Being a American living in the UK, it gives me a connection to home (though I love living here too). I love watching you and Jenny…such great ideas and taught in a way to understand. Thanks for the opportunity to win a place and keep up the great work…..Cheers….xx
Kim McCloskey
I am new to your site, but not to quilting. This retreat sounds fun.
Jamie Willhite
I would love to be a part of this fun event. I have lost 3 loved ones in the last year and funds are tight at the moment so I appreciate the chance to try and win a spot. Good luck everyone.
I would soooo love to sin this retreat. I am learning to quilt and love the videos you, Rob and Jenny offer us.
Thank you for a change to win one!
Angie Beard
I am currently teaching myself how to sew and have wanted to do a quilt for a long time. This sounds like it would be a lot of fun and I would love to be a part of it. Thank you for doing this
Susan Serefine
Thanks for the chance to enter such a great giveaway.
Monica Kostak
This is a good opportunity for many to new learn new skills and/or expand their current, “meet” others through blogging with Q&A, on a scheduled time frame to actuallystart-finish a project!
Debra Egan
Thank you so much for all of your tutorials & videos – they are so informative and fun to watch! I would love to win a spot in the virtual retreat you are putting together ????
Hi Vanessa, living far away (Panama, Rep. De Panama, Central America) this would be just a great opportunity for me to expand my sewing / quilting skills. Here, in Panama, I am basically limited to online tutorials. Would be awsome to win this spot!????
Judy Hensley
Love Craftygemini!
I can’t get enough of your great tutorials! I’m in the UK so would love to join in.
This is a great idea that I would like to try.
Love the Crafty Gemini and would love a chance to join the online retreat!
Yvonne Edey
This would be great fun and a learning experience
This is an awesome idea and would love to win, love your tutorials.
Sharon Moore-Fisher
What an opportunity to learn so much more from multiple talents.
Sharon D.
How fun! Just learning quilting via Jenny so would love this class!
Audrey P
I would love to join you on the year long quilt retreat. Being on a fixed income, winning a spot would be great!
Liz wilson (desi)
I have been a seamtress most of my life. I have gtown up around family member who quilt. It didn’t appeal to me at that time. I now love the art of quiilts. I want to learn more of how to make a beautiful quilt and it’s technique.
Bring it on!
Carrie Pedreira
Hey Crafty…would love to attend these classes no matter what. I too live in the country and love to learn new things. I have been quilting for several years since retiring and am just looking for more projects once the snows starts falling.
thanks for all your insight and inspiration….I love watching your videos.
This is a really awesome adventure! Sounds really interesting and can’t wait to find out more! Would love to learn new tecniques and be a part of the fun! Thanks for being you! 🙂
vera schmidt
retreat sounds like alot of fun
Sounds like a lot of fun and creativity! Count me in!
Becca Becca
Fun for everyone!
What a great idea to do an online retreat!
Melissa Greenfield
Congratulations Leah L. !!!