Tuesday Morning Shopping Haul & Giveaway!

tuesday morning shopping hail

On my most recent trip to Tuesday Morning I decided to buy stuff from some other members of our family! The animals!

Did you know they have an entire section of the store dedicated to pet goods?! Everything from snacks and toys to cute little beds.

Check out my most recent shopping haul where I buy some amazing stuff for my dogs and of course still some fabric for my stash.



There is also a giveaway going on where you can enter for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Tuesday Morning. All the details and the entry options are in the Rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

112 replies on “Tuesday Morning Shopping Haul & Giveaway!

  • Charyl

    My favorite thing at Tuesday Morning is the large variety of crafting items. I can find everything from hand sewing needles and yarn to fat quarters and paper punches!!! I love it!!!

  • Lk smith

    Thanks for this offer! I like to buy things for my home, pets, books, and crafts at Tuesday Morning. I could surely use the gift certificate.

  • Meghann

    I will have to go check out my local Tuesday morning. Sounds like I might find some new goodies for our new puppy as well as myself in the craft aisle!!!

  • Carie C

    Totally amazing, so jealous they are not in Canada! Luckily my parents spend time in the States 1 block away from a Tuesday Mornings and pick stuff up for me from the craft section.

  • Grace

    I love Tuesday Morning. They have a lot of different inventory, but their craft area isn’t that great. I have picked up some great knitting needles, and a few other sewing pins and notions. They haven’t had any real fabric to speak of. I need to go back again, it’s been awhile since I was there. I always get inspired when I see one of your hauls, Vanessa! LOL!!

  • Tiffany Green

    I had never been to Tuesday Morning, until I watched one of Vanessa’s Haul videos a few months back! I’m sure my husband will “thank you” Vanessa, haha….I found some amazing little decor items for my Craft Studio as well as craft items themselves….fat quarter bundles, a great deal on a large amount of fabric and more!

  • Schevone

    I hadn’t been to Tuesday Morning in a few years before I saw your video haul on knitting and sewing supplies a few months back. Now I go there every few weeks to check out the craft aisle and discovered it’s a good place to fuel my kitchen gadget addiction also.

  • Christie P

    I’ve never been in a Tuesday Morning store before! But we pass one frequently and I’ve been dying to go! 🙂

  • Isabel Williams

    I love Tuesday Morning ,I try to go at least twice a week always find get fabric pieces and tons of sewing stuff.

  • Elaine

    Love Tuesday Morning! Just recently noticed the craft section (thanks to Crafty Gemini), but always enjoy shopping for bedding, gift boxes, dishware, you name it! And with spring just around the corner, I’ll be looking at garden items as well.

  • craftygramma

    hi Vanessa!
    thanks for the info – our TMs are a few weeks behind yours, so i always have a head start! Gonna get some flannel and those pinkish fq’s!
    Maybe a toy for our chewer dog (Golden/Pyrenees) too, and I LOVE that we got to see the dogs/kids interact. We have a pit as well; he is the sweetest dog ever, great with kids, very mellow, but we do watch him carefully. He is in love with my cat (SiaManx), it’s hilarious.
    Thanks, and I loved your MSQC stuff with Jenny.

  • Melissa mauro

    i love finding bargains and fun sewing, crafting ,and household items at Tuesday Morning. You never know what you will find!

  • Sherrie Pruitt

    i have not ever been to this store. There is not a store close to me but would love to go and try it out. $25 would help me a lot.

    God Bless You All!!!


  • Kelley H

    I love my local Tuesday Morning but wish it was as big as Vanessa’s!! I like to buy pet items in addition to my usual trip to the craft aisle! I’ve bought a few kitchen items and my teen daughter loves to shop there for accessories for her room! 🙂 Thanks for the great giveaway as always Tuesday Morning & Crafty Gemini! 🙂

  • Lisa R

    I haven’t been to Tuesday Morning in ages. Seeing this really got me excited to go and find my new favorite thing!

  • Annette J

    I love shopping at Tuesday Morning! During my lunch break I go there and buy fat quarters, yarn, knitting needles, scrapbook paper, punches, and whatever crafty things I can! I shop there a few times a month!

  • Alesha Klein

    Love watching your videos. Makes me crave a trip to Tuesday Morning. Aside from the craft dept I like to shop in housewares. Really good buys on glassware and pots/pans.

  • Diane

    I love to shop at Tuesday Morning for sheets, towels, curtains & crafting supplies. We have two stores in my area.

  • LISA

    I started going to Tuesday Morning a couple of months back, I have purchased a few things bug they didn’t have a lot in the craft section because they were getting ready for inventory. Maybe I can win the gift certificate and go back and find more goodies.

  • Emma Johnson

    I went to TM Friday and got some of that canvas material and some fat quarters. I’m trying to start a stash. I think it’s a good start.

  • Linda

    Love Tuesday Morning….unfortunately, the one close to me closed. I have to travel quite a bit to another one, but I stop in when I’m out that way !

  • Kristy V

    I had not heard of Tuesday Morning. So glad I watched this video! There is a store only 10 miles from me so I plan to visit tomorrow and see what they have to offer! Thanks Vanessa!

  • Flor Chavarria


  • Lori Morton

    We had a Tuesday Morning here..for lil’ over a year…then they left area. 🙁 Loved to ramble around, to see all the cool things! & the Crafty area was always A GREAT BARGAIN FINDING SPOT & DEFINITELY FAVORED! MISS THEM!

  • Jill

    OH love your newsletters looking forward to using the winnings to get to know my local Tuesday Mornings

    loved watching you teach your 3 year old son to sew…

    thanks again … xoxoxox

  • Grisel Martinez

    I’ve never been to Tuesday Morning but if I “WIN” I would definite take a ride there from Brooklyn, NY to New Jersey.

  • Jane C

    Tuesday Morning has a great crafts section. I like to check out the cds and gardening supplies. Great store and rewards.

  • Brenda Howard

    I have been shopping Tuesday Morning for about 6-7 years and I love the craft section. As a quilter you can’t beat the deals they offer. Thanks for always sharing with us.

  • Gloria Schatz

    I’ve never shopped at Tuesday Morning and after watching your video, I’ll be stopping in one soon!! I loved that you showed all the doggie items!!

  • Kathy

    I have never been to Tuesday Morning but it certainly looks like something I would like to do based on your video. I have a dog and two cats that would benefit from the organic treats. They are on organic food and the vension treats sound great for Teddy, my dog.

    Thanks for the tips and I loved seeing the kids playing with the dogs and toys.

  • Catherine McClarey

    I usually head straight to the crafts aisle and check the yarn whenever I’m at Tuesday Morning. My husband even calls TM the “yarn store”, because I always buy yarn there, whether or not I find anything else I was looking for!

  • Sonja McLane

    This is actually the first I have heard of it but look forward to shopping there someday if I get some money lol

  • Leslie Thomas

    Hey Vanessa,
    Our TM also carries those long rolls of fabric. The rolls are of solids that feel like a rayon/cotton blend. It’s 10 yards for $39. They keep them stored down below an end cap. One day I’m going to buy one.

  • Stephanie

    The first time I went to Tuesday mornings was after your first video. I had pasted it several times but I had no idea what was inside. Now I’m there all the time

    • Catherine McClarey

      Went to a different TM than my usual one today, and found a much better selection of Lion Brand yarns: at least 6 different colorways of LB Amazing (bought 1 of each, to used in granny-square afghans, probably), LB Superwash Merino Cashmere in Wine (a color not available at my usual TM), and several colorways of Da Vinci (left that for other shoppers, since it was hand-wash only and thus not suitable for the charity crochet I do; liked the colors, though!). Also found some Arm & Hammer dog toothpaste which came with a pair of “finger brushes” (basically finger-shaped microfiber mini-washcloths; the elastic loop to secure the finger brushes to an adjacent finger wasn’t very durable, though). My dog was a pretty good sport about allowing me to “brush” her teeth with the finger brush — once she settled down a bit from her joyous “Mom’s home!” welcome! 😉

  • Susan

    I don’t have a favorite thing to shop for at Tuesday Morning. I like to go in and look around since it changes so often.

  • lilly

    I am thrilled to check out Tuesday morning. They have wonderful craft stuff. Thank you for telling us about this place. Hope I win.

  • Rose Scott

    I love to shop for items for my 2 dogs, candles, bedding, kitchen ware, pots and pans, yarn, needles, rugs, bath products, — the list is endless. I have bought just about everything there.

  • Lindielee

    I’ve only been to one T.M. because I was visiting a friend who lived near one. I’ve heard Vanessa show her hauls and always wanted to go. Tonight I found out that a store closer is newly opened – yahoo! I love the craft section the most.

  • wendymphx

    That’s quite a haul! I haven’t been to a Tuesday Morning in quite a while as we don’t have one near us and I haven’t in a number of years. I did, however, watch your recommendation on a sewing machine a couple of years ago and we bought one on-line for my husband! Amazing little machine and I’ve used it for quite a while when mine was on the fritz…
    I just discovered there is a Tuesday Morning about 30 miles from us, better than the 150 miles I used to have to drive! I’ll be checking them out as I wasn’t aware they had crafting supplies!!!!!

  • Sarah J.

    I don’t get there as often as I would like, but no trip is complete without a trip down the craft supplies aisle!

  • Debbie Ward

    love shopping at Tuesday Morning during holiday season to find special gifts for others! But I really love to go look after seeing your TM haul videos!!! last item I purchased was actually for myself and electric tea kettle which hubby & I love! I will need to check out the pet section since I have 5 dogs myself who love toys & treats!! But I always check out the crafting area 🙂

  • Tamie

    The fun thing about Tuesday Morning is that you never know what you will find. Recent purchases include ottomans, a silicone spatula and finger crayons.

  • Pauline

    I do not have a Tuesday Morning anywhere near me but I would buy fabric, patterns and sewing items – even online.
    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  • Vikie

    Interesting, we didn’t have Tuesday morning hère in french country and it really bad (for me ^^).
    I’m ombres every time I look your video,you find so beautiful things.
    And to respond to your ‘question’…. when we sew… we didn’t really need more and more fabric, but …. when we sew we alwways buy fabric (because perhaps we could’nt find this one more time, because its sale, because it’s an interesting prize, because we have potential idea for ses it, because … we are enought place to stock it ^^)
    Yes you are normal sewer

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