We did it. I don’t know what will happen next week or next year. But WE DID IT.
Today is my husband’s last day at his 9-5 job as an Academic Advisor at a local community college.
From now on he works for Crafty Gemini, LLC. He works for me. He works for his family.
Back in 2009 when I was pregnant with my son I started teaching sewing classes locally.
I wanted my own sewing/quilting school but could not afford the overhead costs at any of the places we researched.
So, I taught 1-3 people in a spare bedroom on evenings when my husband was home to watch our newborn son.
I wanted to expand and grow my business but had no money to do so.
I was also getting tired of teaching the same projects all the time.
My husband suggested we film the project tutorials and upload them to YouTube.
So I only had to do each one once. I liked the sound of that.
I uploaded my first YouTube video in November 2009. I didn’t know you could earn money from it at the time.
I just needed a free place to host my videos so I could share them with others.
I continued to post video tutorials and teach classes.
I did not make a dime off YouTube videos for almost two years.
When I found out I could earn income from my videos I applied and was accepted into the YouTube partner program.
I was then able to monetize all my videos.
And in less than four years since then…. we did it.
As of today my YouTube channel has over 191,000 subscribers and 17.6 million views.
YouTube ad money is only one of my revenue streams.
We can’t make a living off YouTube ad revenue alone. So, I got creative.
I thought outside the box.
We created this business from nothing and now have over 12 different income streams.
I have affiliate accounts, PDF patterns, online classes, sponsorships, a new Quilt Club and a ton of side gigs that allow me to pay my bills, feed my family and for the first time in my life… put some money in savings.
My husband used to say he was going to retire at 35.
I laughed. To me it was a joke. He was so serious.
He is 35 yrs old.
We aren’t rich but we did it. We have lived off of a lot less before.
We’re on a budget and aren’t big spenders.
We are getting better at living off our land.
We’ll be fine. We have each other.
Ever since we got together we’ve rubbed people the wrong way.
We dated for two months and got matching tattoos.
Our matching tattoos with the geographical coordinates of where we met. I have latitude and he has longitude.
They called us “young and stupid.”
After four months of dating we up and got married. None of our parents were there.
We were happy. That’s what mattered.
6 years later we are still happy.
It hasn’t been easy but we did it.
Together we have made the two most beautiful, sweet, caring, hard-working, curious and funny little humans we know.
WE did it.
My friends and family still think this is just a hobby and that I am wasting my days away doing arts & crafts instead of putting my legal education to good use.
News flash. This isn’t just a hobby.
It’s my business. It’s my life.
I love every day of it and I’m proud to be able to provide for my family because of it.
Doesn’t everyone want a “job” they love? Well, I have one.
I created it. I’m the CEO and President.
I make a living living my life.
And I got my husband to retire his 9-5 job at age 35 because of it.
I am giving my children the gift of having their mother AND father home with them.
Teaching them about life and love.
I didn’t grow up with a father. My mother was a single mother of four girls.
I never understood the importance of having a man in the house. My mother did everything because she had to.
I can do everything, but I don’t have to.
Now I get it. I see it everyday. The way my son wants to do everything like his Papa. How he loves to make him proud.
The life lessons he is learning when he sees how his father treats his sister and I.
I am thankful for a husband who is present, hands-on, supportive and loves me and his children.
Now my kids get to grow up with BOTH parents not only around but AT HOME. We did it.
We can homeschool our kids TOGETHER and teach them the importance of growing their own sustainable food and becoming self-sufficient members of society.
We can be the family we’ve always wanted to be.
To those of you who have been following our journey for weeks, months or years. Thank you.
Because of you and your support we are able to take this huge step today. THANK YOU.
For those of you with lofty dreams and aspirations. Keep at it. You CAN do it.
Block the haters out and do you. It is possible. It is do-able.
I didn’t believe it was possible until recently.
My husband has always been the fire behind this business.
He has been pushing me from day one (and on some days harder than I cared to be pushed.)
But I’m glad he didn’t let up. He was right. We COULD do it.
And we did.
It takes hard work.
Not luck. HARD WORK.
I’ve never had a problem putting in work.
I’m a hard worker whether I’m getting paid or not. It’s how I was raised. It’s how I’m built.
I just didn’t have the confidence in myself or my skills. Years of “not being good enough” will do that to you.
Now I know I am good enough.
You tell me I’m good enough with your emails and comments.
And I’m thankful for a partner who tells me I am good enough, too.
My work ethic & skills + my supportive & encouraging husband = The best team ever.
We did it.
No matter where you are on your journey keep your head up and keep on keepin’ on.
You can do it.
Get a supportive partner.
Think outside the box.
Take risks.
Give your all 100% of the time no matter how small the task.
Stay up late.
Research the game.
Stay up later.
Skip some meals.
Skip some showers.
Live below your means.
Don’t worry about the competition.
Build your skill set.
Get better at what you’re good at.
Delegate the stuff you’re not good at.
Find a shoulder to cry on.
Take a break.
Take a hot shower.
Get back on the grind.
We did it. You can too.
Today is a huge milestone for us but we’re definitely not done.
So, I’m off to go do some work. Y’all know I have law school loans to pay and I’m saving my pennies so one of these days we can afford to upgrade from this double wide mobile home to a more permanent structure.
Thanks for your continued support and here’s to another amazing year of growth for Crafty Gemini, our family business.
Michelle lisica
CONGRATS! So happy for you both.
Wow you are an incredible woman your boldness have to touch me so much in so many different ways thank you for sharing because many people hide and they don’t share their lives up’s and down. I am mid I smile and deep inside I am crying thank you for being so open and for showing me life lessons. Even though I don’t like quilt and crafts I still love your blogs and I still love when you speak to all of us as women searching to continue going on. I am praying for you, lifting you up before God for your families bread-and-butter and for the joy you have today… Thanks
cheryl mullins
CONGRATS!!! I love watching your videos, wish i were young enough and in good enough health to do what you are doing. Good luck on your life adventure. your family will reilize one of these days. okay its not a job you have to put in many hours, but its something you love and if you can make a living off of what you love,WHY HAVE A JOB YOU HATE!!!!!. YOU WILL GO FAR GIRL NO DOUBTS.
You are an amazing inspiration and you are enough thank you for sharing your skills and your life with us. Thank you Vanessa, absolutely love your humble spirit.
Deborah colvin
I am happy for your family. Congrats
YOU DID IT! Don’t forget to give God credit too! He has blessed you with a loving family, and a fruitful talent. It can only get better! CONGRATULATIONS
Evie lucas
Hi Vanessa & Family,
What a Beautiful text you wrote!!! I brought tears to my eyes!! I like ALOT of people have watched you for years……way to go!!!! Your children are soooo lucky!!!
Annette Hartt
I am so thrilled for you! I’ve admired you for quite some time and really appreciate all your youtube how tos. They really inspire and help. You are a success. Lots of blessings as you continue to spread joy.
Congratulations. Wishing you and your family much success. Good things come to good people and you deserve the best.
Vanessa I have to say, im impressed.
I am 13 and a proud Writer. I sew, tooo, whicjwhich is how I was introduced to your chanel. your usual blog posts made me smilrsmile, but this one was an inspiration. I have always wondered what it took to do something big. Then do something bigger. I write, but I didnt understand the full imprimportance of writing until I read this article of yours. Its an art. Let the haters hate, and build your workfield. Become what you want if its what you love because if you dont, youll just be left behind. I get it now. Thank you so much, and I am so proud to call myself a long time follower and continuouse supporter of Crafty Gemini LLC.
Congratulations. You have accomplished what so many of us only dream about. Your story is very inspiring and encouraging!
Debbie Barrios
Dear Vanessa, I enjoyed yr story and what an inspiration! I think yr an amazing teacher. Thank you!You instruct so well& thoroughly that is why I can testify I LEARN from from you!! You never miss a beat with how yr running yr life. I think God gave you yr husband for a reason! Good for him on every level. Beautiful family, keep it up!:)
Felicidades Nena!!! Ya sabes siempre estoy aca en medio de la Argentina, en un pueblo chiquito, mirandote y alegrándome de todo lo que haces, ya lo notaba yo! eso de andar en la tierra con tus hijos, y tus trabajos maravillosos, esta tía del campo te manda miles de abrazos y besos a tu hermosa familia y te felicito!! Con lágrimas en los ojos después de haber leído tu hermosa historia! Adelante!!!
Dottie's Daughter
This is good news. I wish you all continued health, happiness and success!
I have followed you for a long time. Congratulations on this milestone. What an example you are to your children and others!
Wonderful! You epitomize “old school” drive and ambition, putting in the work necessary to achieve your dreams, learning as you go and teaching others as you learn. You’re a symbol of what our country needs, more self-sufficiency and pride in family, work ethic, community. Love to see all that you’re doing with each post. Thank you for your beautiful example!
You are inspirational. Proof that dreams like ours can come true!
Vanessa you should be so proud of yourself. You have come such a long way. I have watched you over the years with your tutorials and Youtube videos and I think you are amazing. I have learned so much from you. You are in inspiration to all of us out there that think that the things we create are not good enough. Recently I bought a home that I will finally have my own craft room and I am hoping to start some videos of my own on Youtube I have always wanted to teach others what I know and because of you I feel maybe that is possible.You and your family are amazing. You should be so proud. Congratulations to you and your husband for making this milestone in your life. Keep on keeping on! 🙂
Irene S
Congratulations, Best of Luck you are an inspiration to many so you go girl! God Bless.
Congratulations! That is amazing – you all are an American success story. To do what you love for a living – that is a good thing. You have a wonderful outlook on life – so positive and outgoing. I only wish for continued success in you and your family’s future.
YOU GO GIIIIIIIIRL! You inspire me daily on my facebook feed. I am so happy for you, and dreaming of the day when I can quit my 8-5er.
Also, I’m jealous that your winters look nothing like mine. LOL (I’m in Michigan buried under snow)
Inspired, impressed, and in love with your down -to-earthness! I hope you have continued success. Your family is lovely btw.
It is nice to see dreams fulfilled,
Indira W.
Vanessa: you are such an inspiration. Thank you for allowing us to witness your life’s journey, inspiring us at every step we walk together with you. God bless you and your family and helps you to reach for the stars!! Solo para adelante y para arriba!!! Si se puede! Hugs dear.
I love this story and your journey so much, because it has so many parallels to our own. My DH makes lots of sacrifices in working remotely instead of sitting in Silicon Valley – where the 14-16 hour days mean he would *never* see his children. We do homemade family dinners every night and we homeschool although my law school loans are a huge burden…but the sacrifices are nothing compared to the rewards. Your energy is such an inspiration to so many women, Vanessa, and I’m so thrilled that your family is being so richly blessed for your focus. xoxo
Patty Ward
wow! I just “found” you recently when seeing you on You Tube with the incomparable Jenny Doan. Love your vim and vigor! Will be looking at your You Tube tutorials from now on. You have a beautiful family and I wish you much success! Patty Ward
Melt NK
Congratulations and THANK YOU for the inspiration. Remain blessed and keep the hard work!
Susan Dorscheid
Love to hear your success story.Glad you have followed you dream. Good for you. I have watched a few of your videos and your passion shows. Continued success to you and your family.
Mary Deeter
What COURAGE !! You DID it ! Congratulations on all your efforts. I enjoy your videos and am glad that my “guilty pleasure” is making you money! I love the list you made on this posts to inspire others who want to achieve their goals. My hubby tells me periodically to “write a business plan” when I talk about acquiring a Long Arm machine….I think about my quilting hobby and do I want to grow it into a business by “working for others”. I think the manner in which you have gone about your craft business is very logical, practical and proves that IT CAN HAPPEN …
You must have an awesome mother too, who has been such a strength in your young life. Congratulations to her too! And isn’t fun to have those beautiful children! My best wishes to you and your family!
Sue Ruda
I am so proud to be one of your followers, you are an example to so many people because you share honestly with us your life’s ups and downs.. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow, the children grow, the farm grow, and now have hubby home so he can more time with those darling childern, Sending love and a thumbs up!
Wonderful . So happy for you and your family.
Hola Vanesa, dejame decirte, que leí todo, eres una mujer inspiradora, yo no se como has hecho todo, te felicito, no hay nada mejor que hacer lo que a uno le gusta. Si, eres afortunada e inteligente de poder enseñar a tus hijos y que tu esposo sea una parte importante en lo que haces. Lo mas importante es el apoyo, y a veces lo encontramos fuera del nucleo familiar, personas como tu vale la pena imitar. Linda tu vida, que Dios te siga dando la felicidad y que te de prosperidad.
Felicidades a los dos.
Sue steinhauer
You are so inspiring, thank-you for sharing!
Well done if you don’t try you will always wonder I wish you every success.
Congratulations! It takes hard work to follow your dreams and you are doing just that despite the naysayers! My 23yr old son works 2 part time teaching jobs while pursuing his music career(composing, recording, writing) I always tell him, “do what you love, love what you do” He is very happy with his career choice and works hard to follow his dreams. Much continued success to you and your family!
Ruby clark
In so proud of you !!! I’ve been following u for a couple of years . Thanks to you and your videos I made my first quilt with no help but u and your videos . You are an awesome teacher. I tell someone everyday about you! I can’t wait to meet you in August at retreat. God bless u and your adorable family
Congratulations! Love how you said it and agree with it entirely 🙂
Cristina F
Thus awesome and inspiring!Congratulations and wishing you continued success.
Helen Hougland
I’m one of the people who count myself so fortunate to have stumbled upon your early videos, have benefited in ways you probably wouldn’t be surprised at, and now thank you again so much for all you do and for sharing your life’s story. You obviously know that your inspiring words motivate. This is another example of your giving, unselfish, talented spirit. I congratulate you without reservation and am thrilled with your husband’s decision. I am a 75 y/o great-grandmother and I have learned new things in your videos and now, today, have learned some new things about determination and trust in your happy marriage. Stay with it!
Congratulations!!!! You are an inspiration! I’m so happy for you and your family. I look forward to one day reaching my dream too. Yayyyy, go Crafty Gemini. Woo Hoo!!!
So proud of you!!! Congratulations to you and your family! Good Luck with all that you and your husband do in the future!
Daisy Rodriguez
If you were my daughter, I could not be happier for you! We met when I lived in Florida for a few months at that great quilters’ club you led. I am at another stage of my life than you are, but wondering if I too can make my crafting a business. Great advice and encouragement. You forgot to mention your family is super-attractive too! This story makes my heart soar – Adelante jovencita!
Deysi Bobadilla
congrats Vane. I still remember you from middle school playing ball together as if it were yesterday. To see what you’ve done with your life makes me extremely proud to say I know her we were classmates, teammates and friends. You’re right block the haters! You have a beautiful family and what’s more beautiful is that is yours. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, join and health. Love you kid extremely proud of you! May God continue to florish you, your business and most importantly your family. Xoxo
Deysi. B
Vanessa Vargas Wilson
Thanks, love! I appreciate you taking the time to read this and comment. Hope all is well in the M-I-A. xo
Kathy H
Congratulations to you and your family. It is a blessing to do something you love and make it your career! You use your education every day! None of it is wasted…your children benefit from your formal and informal learning and curiosity every moment and develop their own thirst to learn. I was thrilled to do what I loved for almost 40 years by teaching youth with disabilities…but I haven’t stopped learning. You are teaching me new skills that I am enjoying. We may never meet but, you are touching my life. Thank you!
You are an inspiration! Beautiful family!
Jenny Doan
Congratulations!! I couldn’t have said it better!!
I’m so happy for you! I can certainly relate to alot of what you said in your piece. I’m lucky enough to follow my dream as well and even though some days I work 20 hours or more, it’s worth every hour spent. I’m proud of you – I’m proud of all of us hard working gals that aren’t afraid of risk taking or what others say about us. We are all winners! Best wishes always to you and your lovely family!
AWESOME! AWESOME! This is just the beginning!!! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them (Your family) that love him (God).” 1 Corinthians 2:9
I praise God for & your family!!! Keep on keeping on!!! #WhatAPraiseReport
Correction: AWESOME! AWESOME! This is just the beginning!!! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them (Your family) that love him (God).” 1 Corinthians 2:9
I praise God for you & your family!!! Keep on keeping on!!! #WhatAPraiseReport
Congratulations to both of you. What a great story and inspiration to many people. Hard work pays off every time. You and your family are the example of that. It is so nice to see a true “Family” succeed in today’s time. Hope that this year will be the spring board for many more great years for your family to come. Way to go on all the success and hard work.
Linda Chin
I have been following you for awhile now and I knew you had what it takes to make this happen. You are a vision of confidence in your videos, and having been a teacher for 35 years, I saw your potential. Keep up the great work and your dreams will become reality. You are the epitome if the American Dream!
Lillian M
Good for you girl !! You go, You did it, and will continue for as long as you think the way you do and have the support of your family at home. You are one strong cookie ! Smart, Beautiful and full of Life. God Bless You, your dreams and family. Faith, Hope, Love, and Success will always be part of your life, because of the person you are, helpful, loving, caring and giving. Congratulations to you both. As you said, the key was and is, Hard Work, and not giving up ! To many, many, many more years of all you work for and plan, with good health, love and everything in between. xoxoxo
what an inspiring story!!! Congratulations!!!! That is awesome and Thank you for all the excellent videos…..you’ve helped so many of us and it’s awesome it paid off for your family. Best of luck to all of you !!!
Love this so much! Congrats to you and your beautiful family!
Ann MacBean
I was wondering when he’d take the plunge!
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
― Steve Jobs
Brigit Dermott
Hey Vanessa!
Congratulations to you and Brandon! This is a beautiful post–so happy for you!
Audrey H
Vanessa, YOU GO GIRL!!! You reached for the Stars (with the help of your Partner) and grabbed a hand-full. CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! I have been a follower of yours since about the time your little girl was born. I have ‘picked’ up numerous tips and a number of patterns/projects. I have watched your little ones grow and have admired you tenacity of staying with it. . . . . . You have MANY things to be proud of – – – but Mainly – YOURSELF and the Talents that God has given you. Stay the path and keep growing . . . . . . . . . . . .
so happy for you Vanessa! I have been visiting your blog and youtube channel for a while now. I have learned so much from you!
I wish you and your precious family many blessings!
hugs from Louisiana
This is so exciting for you and your family. I enjoyed reading your story. I am a new follower to Crafty Gemini since you did the purse video with Jenny Doan. I plan to help my granddaughter make one!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! This is wonderful news.Wishing you all the best. My husband and I have had several businessess. At the age of 69 and 66 we are both starting new ones. So much fun. My will be a non-profit reaching out to women. Some days are easy, some are not but they are exciting. So never quit.
Knew you could do it. I told you that you were a professional and that Martha Stewart just didn’t know it yet. Remember the comment that she made about the crafty people. Enjoy your family and your life. Not everyone can do what they love for a living. I have been following you since the beginning. Love all your tutorials. Your children will have a great life, especially growing up on a farm. Congratulations to you and your husband. You have a beautiful family.
Nancy Webb
I love you and your husband story. Most of all I think you were born to teach. I tell all my friends to look you up on YouTube. I tell them you make it easy. If you are able to have your husband at home helping you build your business more power to you. Friends and family are always the most critical but because they love you. There hearts are in the right place but it is not their story. It’s yours and your husband and your children. A law degree is great but a degree is not what makes you happy. My son just finished college, he has a job but hates it. I told him the other night find something you love and the rest will come. Happiness is underrated. I wish someone would have told me that about 30 years ago. You go girl.
That is wonderful ! I love following your family on this wonderfu journey!
Mona Robinson
Greetings from California!!! I ABSOLUTELY love your videos!!! I have learned so much in the past couple of months and my love for crafting and quilting has grown stronger. I am looking forward to seeing more of your video tutorials. GOD is so good at working on your behalf to make your dreams a reality. HE gives us all a gift and you are using yours abundantly. May GOD continue to bless your marriage, family and most of all business!!!!
I first watched you about a year ago. I had been watching slick overproduced videos that didn’t offer a lot of content then I found you and you were unassuming gracious and down-to-earth and I loved you. I learned more from you and jenny doan than anyone else that I’ve watched. Congratulations on your achievement and I’m glad you didn’t quit.
Pam C
Congratulations! You are living the American dream. Ambition, hard work and love is rewarded with your wonderful lifestyle. Your children and your family are truly blessed.
Tears in my eyes! So happy to read your story. Knowing that there is more people put there doing following their dreams, quitting their jobs, creating the life they want to live gives me a lot of hope. I’m also workig to make a living out of what I love. I quit my job a year and a half ago and is not always pretty, but I know we’ll make it too! Thanks for sharing, and please keep on doing so. We are hungry for hope!
Sheila Bennett
So happy for you and your family. All you wrote above was great but you know he really quit to spend more time with the cows, lol!
I am so happy that when I wanted to watch how to make my kid a pillow case (2 years ago) – I found you! What an uplifting and inspiring post. Congratulations and best wishes to your family and your business! Keep it up! We’ll be watching and cheering you on!
Grace Patane
Congratulations to you and your husband on realizing a dream, and making it happen!! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you, and I am excited for you and your family.
Cynthia Prater
YEP we all see the warrior in you and the kids will continue that as they see what can be accomplished through hard work and family. Congratulations “Bea” I know your rejoicing that you all have accomplished so much. Vanessa keep it going and keep inspiring us as your words are resonating loudly.
You have a beautiful family and your priorities straight. Congratulations on your achievements, may there be many more.
Wahou wonderful, it’s prbably not easy but interesting everyday, i will say thank you for this article, interesting, it was what I need at the moment.
Yes people didn’t believe it could be a job …a réal job, it’s not beacause whe love a passion that it could’nt become a professionnel passion…
So thank you and just continue this it’s wonderful
Way to go!
Congrats! How exciting!
Kelley H
Vanessa & Brandon,
Congrats on this new journey!! I got teary eyed reading your beautiful post and I’m so thankful to have found you 2+ yrs ago! You impact lives far beyond what you’ll ever know & understand. Best wishes for the future, it sure is shining bright!! Keep your feet grounded and your head in the stars, great things will continue to pour into your lives. Love ya Wilsons!
CR Rose
Well done – all aspects of your life! It needs some courage to go that final step but you did right and I’m very sure that you two will manage everything successfully.
And I love that picture 🙂 .
Greetings from Germany, Andrea
Deb Clark-Harper
Congratulations to you and your family. It is wonderful to have a husband who supports you in all ways ans that you support each other all along the way. I love how you are raising your children to be self supporting. in this day and age so many young people would not have a clue what to do if suddenly we had no computers, cell phones, calculators, etc. They would be lost. How you and your hubby are raising yours will make them stronger and able to survive any type of environment. How wonderful. I love all your videos and have learned a lot from watching them. I can’t thank you enough for finding time in your busy life to share all that you do with us. Enjoy your lives and never look back.
Cathy Westrich
Happy for your family! I love sewing classes on youtube or the web and yours have been excellent. Keep them coming please. I’m also enjoying your quilt club.
Lisa C.
You guys look amazingly happy. Congratulations!
Ginny Carter
Thank you for your determination and good luck with continued growth. I lost my job in July and have struggled with several ideas of how to make a living from my crafts. You inspire me to not give up.
Congratulations!! Family is most important and loving what you do. So happy for you and your family. I have been watching your journey and you deserve this!!
You have encouraged me to keep on doing what I love to do from your expression on this post. I love sewing myself and would like to expand on it even further. Best wishes to you and your family. Congratulations !
Bonnie I
I am so thrilled for you and your beautiful family!!
I recently started following your blog after seeing you on a video with Jenny Doan. Good for you and your family! Can’t wait to see what you do next!
That is awesome! Congratulations.
I too am a follower and have used your “you tube” video’s. I think you are just great. Easy to follow and inspiring. Congratulations. JoAnn
Thanks for sharing! Congratulations!
Although I just found you a couple of months ago, your determination gave me the confidence that I have longed for. I have always wanted to sew. My mother tried to teach me (she was an amazing teacher) but, she gave up on me and sewed my daughters outfit on her own. Since then, I’ve been a want a be sewer. Since I have found your videos and another blogger that has some amazing free patterns and tutorials (because until I sew better, I refuse to pay for patterns) I have sewn a few things. I am a Nanny to my grandchildren and I don’t have the time to sew that I like to. I pray when they are all in school full time, I will be ready to sew full time.
So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please don’t give up on tutorials, because that would be giving up on people like me. But, please continue to grow and I’m praying one day your kids are in on your family business. Your family deserves your husband home and your success. I’m proud of you and I share your name daily and will continue.
Mary Kowalski
Vanessa, you know I am BIG fan. I think what you and “Bea” are building together will take you far because it’s based on love and respect. Keep it up!! I will happily be along for the ride, cheering for continuing success.
Irene A
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family. I’ve been following you for a while. I commend you and your hubs
Grisel Martinez
Grisel Martinez
So soooooooo Happy for you and your Family, you deserve it
Wanda Jamerson
I am so glad for you and your family it’s good to see young couples work together and make things happen So congratulations from Louisiana
Congratulations to you and your family, there are very few families like you out there and you are so inspiring. Reading your words hit my heart strings and made me smile with you. You can do it, have done it and you will continue to do it! I choose to be a stay at home mom 6 1/2 years ago and sometimes I question my choice but reading things like this makes me remember why and makes me realize my worth far exceeds what my paycheck used to read. Thank you for being you and congratulations…..you inspire!!
Congratulations! I’ve been following you from the beginning! I am thrilled for you and your family. Wishing you both the best in your transition!
SO happy for you and your strides through struggles and tirbulations. You are a beautiful family, can’t wait to see what his full time energies bring to your current, amazing contributions to the crafty world we know and love!
Wish you all the best. I know you will inspire so many more.
This just made my day! So happy for you and for your family! I’m inspired! I’d love to have a similar story by the time my husband is 35 🙂
BTW, you “do you” really well! Love that!
Cynthia Lanahan
What an inspiration! Congrats to you both!
Cindy Rogers
Congratulations to all! I enjoyed your tutorial with Jenny(made three of the the bags) and have been following you since! Thanks for the inspiration!
You are truly an inspiration, you did it ,congratulations.
Well done and well said. Congrats to you and your family. It is so nice to see a success story. Especially since I have been able to follow it happening. I may not know you personally but I am proud of you anyway and hope to enjoy watching your beautiful family for years to come. So thank you
I LOVE your story. So happy for your success. I can’t imagine what I would do without your videos. It is where I learned to make a pillow case dress and how I learned about Sofrito. Yum!
May God continue to bless your family as you put your talents and creativity to good use!
Jeannie Salvato
I have watched you grow and have spread the word among my crafty friends!!! That is what people do with they see something/someone SPECIAL! You are amazing and you and your husband should be so proud of your success. I wish you and your family all of the love and success. <3
Karen McClung
Great story of how you and your family have been blessed!! My husband and I started a business in our garage 10 yrs ago and have moved 3 times since. We grew from the two of us to now seven employees and also have become a multi-million dollar company! It can be done with a lot of hard work!!! We also put three boys through college during that time. Keep up the good work. You are very tallented and I love all your videos and enjoyed you and Jenny Doan together!
Congrats to you & your family! What an inspiration you are…..will be tuning in regularly to see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing your amazing story.
Congratulations to you and your family!
I started to watch your videos on you tube about half a year ago and I love them! It is all so clear and easy to understand – and I am German 😉
I wish you and your family all the best! It was so great and motivating to read your story.
You and your family are truly an inspiration to me and many! So happy for you and wishing you continuing success as you move forward in your beautiful journey! Love your work. I first found you when I was looking for a tutorial on basket/bowl making. I’ve gone on to make many, including some sculpted vases. You have a gift for teaching…don’t ever stop!
vanessa –
the picture you posted at the end says it all! reading your article gave me goosebumps.i feel proud to know you and your family through your posts and business. what a fine example you are to the rest of the world, showing how a good work ethic and creativity pays off financially and emotionally.
a note to the hubby – i am proud of you, too, for taking a chance on living a non-traditional lifestyle. take good care of “our” vanessa. support her endeavors, hard work and creativity and it will be returned to you tenfold. if you think of Crafty Gemini as working at a family business, rather than vanessa’s little hobby, you will do just fine. there’s bound to be some bumps in the road, but you have each other and your little guys, and we on the internet believe in you and your company. good for you, go for it!
Families like yours are what makes this country great! You are proof that the American Dream is alive and well and we can all achieve our goals if we set our hearts and minds to it. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success, Vanessa! 🙂
veronica streeter
One of the most upbeat and grateful posts I have read. Good job! Great goals! Thank you for sharing and being an example of “possible and achievable” dreams.
Thanks again!
Congratulations!! YOU DID IT!! I am so inspired by your story. So many people today are only interested in the instant things in life… instant food (just go to the store or drive through and get it), instant gratification (credit cards will buy whatever whenever), instant knowledge (we don’t have to “learn” anything, we can just look it up real quick on the internet), instant success (we don’t have to work at it, we just wait for it to drop in our lap, then wonder why we aren’t successful). We, as a society, have forgotten that all of these things are not “instant”, but take lots of hard work, sweat, tears, usually some failures, and always, ALWAYS, effort. But you and your family are a SUCCESS story! Yes, you may still have things you want to do, but you are on your way and you know how to get there. And if you don’t, you’re willing to learn. You are giving your children so much more of an education than anyone could possibly realize. As for family and friends who can’t support you, and the “haters” and others who would like to see you maybe not quite as successful as they think you should be, remember the quote by Chloe Neill: “The best revenge is a life well lived.” Again, congratulations on accomplishing a fantastic milestone!!
Guuuuuurrrrllll…. YOU ROCK!!! I just started our path to my husband and I owning our own business and I totally get the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice to build it. CONGRATS!!!
We’re all so very happy for you and your family, and so very proud of your commitment and hard work. Keep up the momentum and don’t compromise on your dreams. I have every confidence you’re destined for even bigger and awesome experiences in life.
all the best,
Vanessa and Family, so proud of you both. May God bless you and grant you continued success!
Vanessa, what a blessing! Congratulations on this achievement. You have an awesome teaching style and will continue to be great at this “crafty” business. We can’t wait to follow along on your journey.
Vanessa B. Willis
Congratulations!!! I love it! What an inspirational story! I love watching your videos and TV appearances. I wish you and your family continues success. May you always know and live in God’s abundant blessings.
That is what it is all about. Well done!! Congratulations and go get ’em!
Hi Vanessa. …good morning and congratulations. .thank God for husband s like yours. You are truely blessed. My husband was very supportive of some of my sewing abilities and would give me consructive input. Now it has been 6 months since his unexpected passing due to cancer. I dint mran to be a downer…u just wanted to express how so blessed you are and how much of an impact ypu have had on me and other crafters no matter what stage we ate in in our craft. I miss my back-up partner and best friend. Trying to get back to sewing..it is also therapeutic. Continued blessings and success to you and your family!!
Yikes. Sorry for all the typos…didn’t have my glasses on and typed on a small keyboard…but again…CONGRATULATIONS! !!
So Happy for You. You are an inspiration to many. Keep reaching for your dreams they are already coming true. And you have proven that it can be done while building a Relationship and a Family. Kudos to You. God Bless!
Kimberly Anne Luxich
Congrats to you both! I’m so happy for you. You are such an inspiration to so many, including me, and I thank you. I went from not knowing how to use a sewing machine to sewing and quilting everyday, and it all started when I saw your first video while searching for something to watch on YouTube.
Ylva Tranberg
Congratulations! I’ve been following you from the beginning! Keep up the great work and your dreams will become reality.CONGRATULATIONS from Norway
Jane Storer
SEE!! I told you so 🙂
Heather Collins
Fabulous job! It will only get better from here!
Yayyy!!! Congrats Vanessa!!! I’ve learned so much from you and I’m extaticly excited beyond measure for this major milestone for you and your family! Cingrats!!!! Xoxo
Phyllis Brucker
I have been following you for years …I am a member of CGQC and also crafty Gemini on face book …love all your videos on you tube …there isn’t any one more deserving….congrats to you and your husband….you are greatest….enjoy life….you how a beautiful family….and every time I see you on live cam….I can see true happiness…God Bless
What a joy-filled story. Congratulations to all of you. You have been richly blessed. Hard work certainly, but first gifted from above. May you continue to share your talents with us now and for years to come.
I am so happy for you and your family! I’ve been following you for a couple of years now and you’re growth is amazing! I also hope to follow my dream of being sustainable, work from home and continue to homeschool my kids. I have a very supportive husband as well. You are a real inspiration! Much love and blessings and encouragement from my family to yours- because my kids love to watch the videos with your kids in them & I’m always telling my husband what “the crafty gemini” did lol you’re doing a great job! Keep it up girl!
Sona Jacob
Congrats Vanessa!
Love your videos. Love your work.
Very happy for all of you.
God bless!
Indira P.
Felicidades, te lo mereces….eres un gran ejemplo para todos los latinos que emigrados de nuestros país, especialmente los dominicanos. Me encanta que hayas recalcado que todo se logro gracias a su esfuerzo y trabajo en equipo y familia, asi es que se construye el éxito, la suerte y estar en el lugar correcto no existe, el trabajo y el esfuerzo que logremos es lo que importa. Felicidades que el camino del triunfo ya lo tienes hecho, a seguir hacia adelante.
Annie Payano
Dear Vanessa, I don’t know if you remember me from the beginning of the 12 block,; I made an small contribution, and a promise, if I got the lottery winner’s number, not yet, but you are rely a winner, an inspiration, and a proud example for working women. Specially great for me because we have the same roots.
I feel so happy with you journey, that I made it mine, following, and support you in the way I can do. Many blessings for all, keep the good work, you know the sky is the limit.
Julie Savard-Vantran
Vanessa, this brought me to tears!!! I am SO thrilled for you and your beautiful family!!!!! You have NO idea how much of an impact you have made to my life by sharing your incredible talent with me. Thank you!!!!
E. Sharon Smith
Bless you and yours! Hoping for the best for all of you. You have a wonderful life ahead of you. Good luck to you and your family!
Omg brought tears to my eyes , tears of joy that is you are so talented. You thought me to sew I followed all ur videos on youtube, spent all my allowances on materials but itbwas worth it, even started to make soaps because of you , now I have my own company D& T’s Exotic Bath N Body on Facebook. I’m so happy for you keep up the good work and just be you .lot of love from Denise all the way from Trinidad and Tobago.
Loved reading your story! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your talent, energy and family. Now I need to dry my eyes before I get myself to my 10 hour work day (looking forward to retirement in 2 years so I can spend my time sewing too).
Liz Sawyer
Well done! You deserve it. Your enthusiasm alone is worth it without all the hard work you put into what you do. All the very best for the future to you and your family
Joanne P
Amazing!!! Congrats. What an inspiration. Can’t wait to see what you guys do next.
Kim Bell
What a blessing it is to be so successful! Your dedication to your dreams paid off. So happy for you and your family! Way to stick to your guns and not let all of the negativity affect you.
My friends and I were so hoping to meet you at the Austin QuiltCon, but we were unable to. You have taught us so much through your tutorials. You (and Jenny Doan) have allowed me to become a pretty good sewer and absolutely love sewing! It has become my strongest passion. I was even able to make my mom a quilt before she passed almost 2 years ago now. My dad now has it and loves it.
Thank you for all of your talents. You are a true blessing in my life and I’m sure in my friends as well. We will all be Crafty Gemini students/viewer for life!
Heather North
Congratulations on achieving your dream!
Cindy G
Congrats and good luck!
You are the living proof of the american dream. I am so, but so happy for you. And even though people think you do not put your law school to use,.. you are doing so, just in a more creative way! You neede the knowledge and degree to be independent. Not everybody has the streghth to pursuit their big dreams, cause it takes time and society and everyday living can very easily absorb you. I am happy that you were strong enough to not fall in the cracks. I admire you for your courage and your wealth in happiness which is more valuable than $$ in the bank.
Diana G
you did it girl !!!!
Congratulations to you both !! May you both be propsperous, joyous and live out your dream for the rest of your life ..
Question is that inquiring minds want to know: Are you going to come up with a fabric line of material (or did I miss that post!LOL).
Wow! You are inspiring. If everyone would follow your example and live at, or below, their means, this country wouldn’t be in such a mess. Keep up the good work.
Really enjoyed your story of success. From the first time I saw your video I said she’s great easy to understand because she explains in great detail. you have such a great personality. I am really so happy couldn’t happen to a better family. when you and Jenny Doan of Missouri Quilt Co. get together that is AWESOME ,LOVE IT. looking forward to many more great videos
Juan D'Arce
Vanessa I love this article. I remember meeting you back in the day when you and Madelin were at UF Law. Madelin has always kept me abreast of your dedication to Arts and Crafts which I personally love. Congratulations. You earned it and this post is truly inspiring. Look at my Facebook and or LinkedIn. I posted yesterday about success and failure. We must follow our dreams. Your law degree is a huge part of your success. Enjoy and keep up the awesome work.
CONGRATS! I am a new follower and couldn’t be more happy for you and your family.
Congratulations and good luck! How Blessed you are to have an amazing partner and husband.
To make a living from doing what you love is super wonderful. Keep up the good work and take good care of your #1 supporter and partner.
You are an inspiration–Congratulations!
Anne Tarnowsky
WOW, Vanessa I am so happy and grateful that one day out of boredom I went on YOUTUBE and watched your video on making a quilt square, I watched and I made and it came our perfect, and has been perfectly made with everything I have made watching and doing with you. It keeps on getting better and better and I joined your swap and have made a life long friend with my partner. I know you did not put us together and it is not out of luck either. We both have our faith in God and I can see through your blog just how HE is working in your life and now your home. You not only help teach us new skills but you also teach us about the stores you shop in and I just recently found a Tuesday Morning. You are a left enricher, just look at the photo of you and your family. Those are not have to smiles, they are REAL and honest loving smiles and I am so happy for you. Hard work and self sacrifice always pays off, especially when you do not quit. Have a wonderful life and thank you for enriching mine. God’s blessings always on you and your family.
You go girl!!! congratulations. I know you have worked very hard for it. Happy for you and your family. My husband and I would like to retire by 50. I am 47 🙂 fingers crossed. I love the life you are living and hope to do the same. I want a cow, a pig, etc. 🙂 I “do” have chickens and a garden so I am starting. As everyone is saying you are a big inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing all that you do!
Congratulations……………..you have so much to be proud of. I too know what it is like to not have support from Family and Friends. Some 51 years ago I married a young man that I still am married to (he is not so young anymore but of course neither am I). My husband worked his fanny off so we could raise our 3 daughters in a traditional home (I stayed home with the kids and he went to work each day)—-isn’t it odd how Traditional 50 years ago meant something completely different than today’s Traditional Family. We bought our first home at the ripe old ages of 19 and 20 respectively, we have always had a garden in our backyards so we could have the fresh veggies and fruit that we could not always afford to buy at the local markets and I can fresh cut flowers on my tables. My husband is still tending to our gardens on a daily basis. We also have live animals that he tends to—–lots n lots of Hummingbirds, Blue Jays, Dove, etc…a squirrel named Jingles, a cat named CAT, and a pair of wild Mallard ducks named Daisy and Daffy that return to our home each year, a HUGE family of racoons, a skunk named Stinky, and an opossum here and there. I still maintain a couple of fair size rose gardens that my neighbors and I enjoy.
I began My second career when I entered Nursing School at the “young” age of 45 after my last daughter entered her Senior year of High School . I worked as a Nurse and then eventually a Nursing Instructor until I reached my Golden Years Retirement age of 54 and my hubby retired 4 months later at the age of 55.
The things that has stayed constant in my life is the love of gardening and quilting. I began sewing at the age of 10 out of necessity so I would have clothes to wear. My Grandmother taught me quilting at the ripe age of 11 years old. My mother taught me how to cultivate a garden and beautiful roses.
So glad your husband pushed you toward your goals…………….enjoy, you will NEVER be sorry for the choices that have brought you to this stage of your life. 😉
Congratulations on your husband’s bold and continued success in the business you all have formed.
julie jamison
Loved it Vanessa!
You are such an inspiration & I’m so happy for you & your family. I’m a bitz owner myself & I can’t wait for the day when I can quit my job.
Your post brought me to tears. Keep going BC you are inspiring so many people.
sarah seid
I’m speechless…what a jaw dropper. I am so happy for you-I’m not even sure happy is the word…I’m in awe and happy and kinda worried but probably more happy and excited. And the first time my husband saw and met me, he wanted to marry me at that very moment…you guys at least dated for 2 months. LOL. We have lived through the start up of a new business and besides all the hard work and sacrifice, the process is kinda amazing; I wouldn’t trade the struggle if you paid me and like your children, my daughter had both her parents at home.
Soooooooo if you need the services of a CPA or tax help (pro bono) or whatever, please, please, please do not hesitate to email me. My husband read your message and he would be happy to help, if need be. He actually laughed when he read the part about your dating history with your husband…
So happy for you and your family! Keep doing you! You are Truly Blessed! I need to find that ‘niche’ and do something too! You are an inspiration to all. I love to watch your videos, not to make any of them although I could because you are an excellent teacher, but just to watch you and your bubbly personality. Also would love to have a homestead and “live off the land” been saying it for years! Maybe one day! Mucha suerte y apoyo en sus nuevas aventuras! Que Dios te siga bendiciendo! Espero muchas cosas grandes de Crafty Gemini! Adelante!
Mary Burnette
Great story! I’m glad you did it. I just wish your family was there to see it all happen. I love the blog and all the tutorials. You do a great job! Mary
Margaret Nugent (Nanny Nug)
Yay, you did it! You are an inspiration…congrats to all of you!
Stacy Fernandez
Vanessa, I am SOOOOOOO happy for you! I just shed a tear of pure joy! Nothing makes me happier to see a strong woman loving and doing the best for her family! You are blessed to have such a supportive husband by your side! I remember watching your first video and thinking “wow that’s so cool!!” My oldest daughter watches your videos. (She’s only 6)
Thank you for sharing your story because it pushes me to pursue and not give up on my own dreams!!! Keep it up girl!!!
Congratulations! So happy for you and your family. I was tearing up reading this. You’re an inspiration! Congrats again. 🙂
Congratulations. I so proud of all of you and wish you joy and happiness.
Ramona K
Congratulations on your life. God is good.
You are truly an inspiration to me. I’ve been a follower and fan for some time now. You amaze me at what you are capable of doing, and I encourage you to continue to work towards your mark. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to enjoy your work.
Congratulations!!! You all are such an inspiration to everyone. You are so down to earth and I am so glad that you are both able to stay home and raise your family. Good luck you have succeeded in such a big way!
Mary Baldassar
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! It is wonderful that you have your goal and continue to reach the best you can for you and your family. Best wishes for a great future for you and your sweet family. I enjoy watching all of your videos and look forward to more to come. Thank you!
Kathy Bishop
Pure Inspiration!! congratulations to you and your family. But more than that, thank you for inspiring me. I may not be following in your footsteps on You tube, But I am going to live my life to the fullest.
Sylvia Hayes
Congratulations to you and your family!!!
Please, Please, Please let me know if you are going to be having beginning/refresher sewing lessons classes. I keep pulling out all of my sewing stuff, buying more stuff and then putting it back up. I love your videos but I really need the face-to-face course.
I’m 71 and you make me want to do it al over again! Doubt nothing….try Everything!
A decision neither of you will ever regret! So happy for all of you.
Susan McCulley
i am so happy for you and your family! You are such an inspiration to so many of us!! Congratulations and I look forward to supporting you on this journey to much more deserved success! You are so talented and I learn something new each time I watch a new tutorial! I hope one day I can follow my dreams too!
Karen Lautzenheiser
I read your letter and am so inspired by it…thank you for sharing! The best of everything to you and your family!
Mary Mayshack
You are what you are a wife, mother and a inspiration to all who watch you on you tube. Congratulations to you and your family. Always live your life the way you want to live. Never let any one tell you that you can’t do something. I have always said this to my kids. Now I have 1 lawyer , 1 teacher, 2 health educators. so proud of them. Live your life the way you want to live it. You only have one life. So I say to you. “YOU GO GIRL”
Ann Miville
Loved your attitude back then and love your attitude now. You are a “can do, will do” person! Congratulations on reaching another goal. Will keep following your blog, videos, guest appearances because I never know what you’ll teach me next . . . and I’m much older than you!
Arlette C
GOOD. FOR. YOU. Be proud of what you have accomplished as a family. God Bless you and your family.
Ariane Brito
You are such an amazing woman! I have been following you on youtube since the beginning. Lots of kisses to you and your adorable family.xxxx
You are an inspiration to all, and especially to young people who have lost the understanding and importance of hard work and self sufficiency! Congratulations to you and your family. How nice to see two people so in sync with one another. A rarity indeed!
Jill Werschin
Hi Vanessa, we met when you gave a talk at our ASG mtg in Gainesville in Nov. I AM ABSOLUTELY THRILLED for you both! What a BIG DAY for your family! Jill
Aminah M.
Thank you for sharing your story. It warms my heart to see such a beautiful family working together to build a legacy for the it’s continued growth. A family of color remaining committed to its goals and setting the most beautiful example for their children. I know to most people it seems crazy to marry so quickly but I get it. I married after only knowing my husband over a weekend. We remain committed to the vows we stated and work hard to make this relationship successful. Congrats on your success and future endeavors!
Good for you; congratulations! If only blogging had been an option forty years ago I would have been there too. Now I’m retired and can enjoy YOUR blog and craft and sew all day long.
Mona Keegan
You two are amazing! First, congratulations for getting where you are. Second, thanks for sharing your story. You are a delightful encouragement and example for all of us.
So happy for yall! I know the feeling we are working toward totally self sustainably ourselves. I would love nothing more than to have us home, but just not an option right now. We do work very close to home and work as wildlife biologists so that helps all the way around 🙂 Wishing nothing but happiness and success to you and yours.
Cyndy Knapp
Congratulations! Way to go. This is such an inspirational story. 🙂
Leigh Ingle
Congrats to all of you, that’s wonderful. Don’t need to wish you good luck, cause you’ve already got this, as they say. I don’t quilt, but I do love your sewing, crafting and garden videos. You are a great teacher,! Thanks and enjoy being the boss, lol.
What fun to now be fully committed to your family business. My highly educated daughter and her husband also made this decision and we were so excited for them to begin their creative business venture together.
Have fun on this exciting journey has your family grows together!
Vanessa, not only am I extremely thrilled and happy for YOU, I’m also so jazzed for your husband now that he can also stay at home with you and your kiddos every day! Actually, I’m probably most excited that you are so proud of yourself. That takes confidence, and that’s beautiful. May congratulations to you from me in Alaska. 🙂
Cheryl Hovey
I am so proud of you! I love watching strong women grow to their fullest potential!!
I have loved your videos from the beginning. Keep up the good work & may you &
your precious husband continue to grow in business & an even stronger family every day.
Btw, I have looked all for the R foam plus & everyone seems to be sold out. Do you have any idea where I can purchase it?
God Bless you & yours Vanessa
Judith Montan
Im so overjoyed to hear this fantastic news! Congratulations to you and your husband. I so needed to hear these encouraging words Vanessa I thank you. I thank you for sharing your personal journey with all of us that love you and follow you. I am not married but my fiancé does support what I do. I’m single mom (not married) and can relate to you and do a lot of what you do (like sewing, crafting , gardening, cooking adding I’m also a Gemini and of Dominican descent).
you deserve every bit of it you have such a beautiful family thank you so much for the inspiring worDS
Janice D
Congratulations on everything you both have accomplished. My husband and I don’t have tattoos and did have only our parents plus my brother at our wedding. After dating for 6 months we have now been married 54 years. We wish we lived liked you are. I grew up with chickens, rabbits and an avocado grove and have been sewing since I was little and quilting for the last few years, while my husband grew up on a small farm in Oregon. We really miss the country living. Blessings and happiness to your family always.
Judith Montan
Omg congratulations Vanessa! I’m overjoyed to hear this fantastic news. Thank you for sharing your journey with us that love you and follow you. Much love to you and your darling family. Love Judith
Leslie Thomas
Vanessa & Brandon,
I just read your blog with tears in my eyes. I could relate to every word you said. I could feel it coming from your heart AND his. Thank you for sharing your journey and encouragement. I am currently in a place of accepting who God made me to be. I can be no one but me and that alone makes me “good enough.” My husband encourages me as well yet I always struggle to accept his words.
Although we’ve never met I’m proud of you both. We too live with one income and home school. Here in the year 2015 when it’s popular to have everything you want and them some, I’m home and actually raise our children myself. I don’t regret this decision. I figured if my kids would wind up crazy at least it would be a crazy I know! God has provided for us since the day I stopped working, 15 years ago. I pray for your continued success and I pray our paths will cross one day. You two are doing an excellent job.
Yippee!!! You attracted all that you wanted and you received!! Now on to more and more attracting and receiving. So happy for all of you!!
O My what an amazing story! Yes I have been here for about 4 years (when I retired, but Im 59). Im so glad to be part of your story. Congratulations to you all! Wonderful hubby wonderful family. Sad that you friends/family couldn’t be more supportive. One step at a time…you can do it Congratulations on a happy supportive hubby and children and great job over all!!
Hugs Marietta, Brisbane Australia
This is so awesome and heart warming. So happy for your family!
Katrina phipps
Your children are so lucky!
Margie Gemini
So excited and happy for you and your beautiful family! I have been following you for years and been quietly supportive of you and your endeavors but today I had to put it in writing, YOU ROCK!!!!
I will pray that this day is only the very beginning of wonderful days…years to come. May those loans be paid off in record time and may your future homes be as full of love, health and happiness as the one you have built to date.
Congratulations to all of you….
What an incredible story! Thank you for being so real. And thank you for being such an inspiration!
barbara woods
yaaaah proud for you
Congratulations on this major accomplishment. Cheers.
You taught me a lot by way of YouTube and your Craftsy course. Keep on keepin’ on.
Thank you for this inspiration to keep working hard, living below our means, and reaching for our goals.
congratulations on achieving a dream. that is so important to everyone no matter how big or small the dream is. but this is huge! enjoy your life and your family. that is what life is all about.
Alesha K
There is nothing I can add that hasn’t been said. A beautiful, inspirational love story that will stand the test of time. You have given us a wonderful outlet to learn new crafts and we appreciate your time and effort. Best of luck to you and your family in the future.
Felicidades. Excelente noticia. Les auguro muchos éxitos trabajando en equipo. Me encantó la foto familiar. Dios los bendiga. Un abrazo desde Venezuela!
Congratulations to you both! It took hard work, sweat, tears, dedication and determination! You guys stuck with your goals no matter what people thought or said. What an inspiration to others no matter what the age.
Congratulations, I found your video about year and half or two yrs. Ago on soap making. Love the video and wasvery easy to follow. You did a grat job explaining. Thats the first time I knew about you. Love reading about your family and the two littles are just as cute as a bug in a rug. Wish you much success in your journey. Judy from Sweet Home Alabama. We getting snow as I type this. Will be making snow cream in a few.
Congratulations! I’ve been one of those early followers from the time before the reusable “paper towel” tutorial. That’s the one I can remember for now but I’m so excited for you & your family! I feel the same way right now with all the haters & the worst ones are family. Thank you so much for inspiring me & others! Good luck to you & your beautiful family! Que Dios Te bendiga hoy y siempre! -Adriana
what an awesome and inspiring post! I am so happy for you and your family!
Faith Rippee
Wow you made me cry. That was such an inspiration to me. You are good at what you do, I can tell you just by being apart of your life through the Gemin Crafters Quit Club that you would of not been happy beginning a lawyer You are doing what God made you to be and you are so good at it. Keep up the good work you have put a lot of love and hard work to have what you have and that is something to be proud of. Congrats to you and hubby.
God Bless
Sandy Smith
Congratulations! Different strokes for different folks, and what makes your family happy is what counts!
Love the Crafty Gemini and tell everyone I know that sews or quilts or crafts all about you even strangers in the craft section in a store! Congratulations to you all. You have given your children a great gift-mom and dad!! Enjoy being able to do what you love and get paid for it and know that your whole family is part of it all-it will make the tough times easier and the good times even better! Happy and proud of your success and yes HARD WORK pays off!!
Cheryl Bird
Congratulations on all of your hard work AND persistence in achieving your goals! Keep up the great work and believe in yourself!!
Sally Monceaux
This brought me to tears! You are a rare gem, you and your family. I am so glad I was googling quotes and sewing crafts. I have learned so much from your tutorials. And if you are happy at what you do, you are more productive! And your children will see that. Congrats to you and your family.
Good Bless!
Yolanda Soto Lopez
Congratulations Vanessa, you deserve this and so much more. You are an inspiration
Patty Borjas
Vanessa and Familia, a great BIG congratulations. You have been blessed to have a loving and supporting family. I send hugs to each of you. Vanessa you have the ability to teach and an outgoing personality that comes out in your tutorials and videos. Your many, many friends have sent you warm wishes from ALL over the world. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us. Love, your friend Patty Borjas.
Shirlene Deal
Congratulations Vanessa to you and your family. You are truly an inspiration to so many! Your children are so fortunate to be able to stay at home to learn and be loved by you and your husband. What an experience it is going to be for them with all the “hands on” knowledge they are and will receive in the future. You have a beautiful family and I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. Blessings to all of you.
I love this. My hubbs and I were considering something like this. I’m currently going to school online (but it’s still full time.), and his work is very demanding for such little pay. I was debating on getting a part time job and having him stay home full time where he could be happy. He wants to stay home and I want to work. I’d work too but we have the three kids and his schedule is always changing. I think the only thing that has stopped us is the Christian aspect of it. Men are supposed to ‘be the providers’ and the wives are supposed to ‘take care of the home’.
Rebecca Wilson
Vanessa, congratulations to both you and “Bea”!! This is truly a wonderful day. You should be so very proud of yourself. You’ve built a wonderful family, wonderful business, and a wonderful life. I see lots of parallels to my own story so can really relate. I’m proud to “know” you ’cause you’re awesome!!
I have watched you grow and change and your babies be born all over the web….you are inspiring and gifted. Keep it up girl 🙂 love the life your in 🙂
Liz Horgan
Vanessa-congratulations to you and you’re family! Keep up the great work!
I love your tutorials and the quilt club!
Linda Lu
Best to you and your family. The Lord has watched and taken you this far. Sky’s the limit, be as best as you can be and just watch the wonders of your family. Thank you for your gifts of your company and may you continue to be as happy as you are this moment. What an investment that you have instilled in your family! The best use of your time and efforts = your family.
May you continue to offer your tips, share your talents and proper. We will all be watching for more videos to learn and grow from your talents.
God Bless…..
Wanda Goldfarb
I teared up when I read this post Vanessa! You’re living your dream. Really, your advice is spot on. After all, if you live frugally and try to be as self sustaining as possible on your land, all you need is money enough for the Tax Man and health insurance. I was also worried about you and the cows. I’m glad “Bea” will be there to help control them!! HAHA.
Ida Sainz
Vanessa. I congratulate you for your determination and for the wonderful way you present yourself in your programs. I enjoy watching you make so many different things but my favorite is your pillowcase and so fast and easy. I have made about 6 and happy with them. Again, reach for the stars and they will be yours. Continue your good way of reaching beginners and everyone else. I will wait for the next easy one for me. Thank you.
Congratulations, this is awesome for all of you !! I love following you & your tutorials, you are definitely one of my favorites. I have been building my inventory to re-open my Etsy shop. I am concentrating on zipper pouches of all sizes, makeup bags, tote bags, drawstring bags, also can personalize.
I just ordered business cards. Soooo hopefully I will do ok, I love to sew and do so most every day. A little nervous, but hopefully I can do ok.
Thank you for your inspiration & the best of luck 😉
Congratulations! I really want to meet you someday ….. I admire what you do w your family and your career!
mary land
I have been following you for a couple years and just love your tutorials. I tell everyone about your site. You should be very proud of what you and your husband have accomplished. Blessing to you and keep up the good work. You are an example to follow.
Awesome! You and your family are such inspirations! So happy for all of you. Congratulations and best wishes!
Rita Fishel
Hi Vanessa….I’m the Creative Grids Demo Goddess from Checker and I AM SEW PROUD OF YOU!! You are where I was 20 years ago. My husband is a CPA and quit his job to be my business manager. 25 years ago we applied for a business loan (we were denied) and the loan officer would never talk to me….only my husband. Finally he said, “young lady, where do you see yourself in the future.” I replied, “You know this man you have been speaking to the entire time we’ve been here? Well, he will be working for ME.” Wish I knew who he was sew I could show him. AND….the priest that married us (after knowing each other for 6 months) never thought we would make it. It’s been 41 wonderful years. Keep doing what you are doing. Follow your dreams…and just love and support each other. What a wonderful role model you both are for your beautiful kids!! YAY YOU!!!
Big Clarence
Congratulations, I been watching your videos for two years and you have taught me a lot!!! My mother and my sisters were both sewers, and they passed away and you help me deal with their deaths a lot better!!!! God bless
I am so happy for you and your family. I know you have encouraged me to began doing more videos. I love watching your videos, so easy to follow. Thank you for sharing your experience and everything you spoke, you spoke into existence!! Thanks for sharing your gift!!
LaTanya Walls
CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH! Your journey is very encouraging.
Sharon Jester
This is a beautiful story, I think this is awesome, it also an inspiration. I know you and your beautiful family will succeed, and have succeeded. God Bless!!!!!!!
Happy-Happy Joy-Joy!!! Congrats and Many, Many More Blessings to you and your family Vanessa. From the first time I saw your 1st Video I knew you were the type of person that don’t wait sitting around for someone to do or wait for things to magically appear. You Go And Get Em…”DONE” You both found your Soul Mates and that’s why the support is so Strong…..Cause with LOVE Anything is Possible. Thank-U for the Passion with in You; to keep Us from giving Up on ours. XOXO KUDOS HUBBY!! (thumbs-up) :O)
kathryn frederick
Im excited for your husband and your family. Following your passion!
CONGRATS!!!! Love the way you work it!!! Keep up the great work and continue to believe and work your dream!!!!
Andrea Pannell
Fantastic!! So, so great! Well done!
Jane Dionne
…. AND, I LOVE your LIST
It should be published in every home, in every classroom, on every street corner, and on every subway and bus!!!
Your way-of-life is a WONDERFUL gift to your family!!!
I googled “intro to sewing” and I got your site #2. it went into my favorites. and we have always told our 22 year old son, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. he has been bugging me to go bigger with my sewing and he even has the brand name picked out and has for 3 years. thanks for inspiring me to do what i have preached to my son, be the man, don’t work for him..
Bernice Pierre
Congratulations! God bless your beautiful family and business success!
Vanessa, CONGRATULATIONS to all four of you! I am so proud of you and your husband for the lives you have built. I have followed you for a couple of years now, and loved every post. I know that you and your family will be more than fine. You are survivors. Can’t wait for the next chapter!!!
Patty Benitez
You are truly blessed! What an inspiring story!
Maureen Henault
You are living The American Dream. Fantastic. loved your Tutes right from the beginning. You have 100% of my support and respect! best of luck! And continued success.
Congratulations to both of you! What an inspirational story. I have enjoyed all of your online tutorials and have referred my friends to your website and videos. Thanks for sharing your story with us!
It’s a wonderful story, and I am so happy to have followed you since you were still making the “how to sew” videos. I love watching fierce women find their own path and making a success of what they love! I was an entrepreneur before retiring a few years back, and for 25 years had a little slip of paper on my bulletin board saying, “It ain’t work if you’re having fun”. I was so fortunate to stumble into a career that gave me great joy, started my own company at my kitchen table with a Rolodex and a legal pad, rounding up clients. at age 40, and growing that company into a multimillion dollars in sales. It’s really true, it ain’t work if you’re having fun. Best of continued luck.
I feel like I watched your website from close to beginning and I feel very proud of you and your family. I remember searching for how to bind my quilt. I was a new quilter and I found your video. You have such a way of teaching that I felt comfortable to continue. You have a way with teaching that it makes me eager to look for more videos from you and learning techniques. Keep doing what you are doing and God bless you and your family. I have fun watching them. Best wishes
Rebekah S.
Hooray! That picture is such a beautiful portrayal of your family event. What a happy occasion! You have given me inspiration. I have been trying to figure out how to do the same with my husband. I’m brainstorming idea’s and trying to figure out how to make money like you did through internet and working from home. I will be homeschooling. We have a small garden in the country. We have an idea of the subject matter. Now it’s just brain storming ideas and figuring out the how’s. I want my husband home too. Thank you for sharing. Love and hugs. Keep being yourselves! You’re inspiring and bringing joy as well as kindness to a world that is sometimes dark.
Deborah Williams
Annie Fisher
Congratulations on your success…I will call you a modern hippie which in my eyes is a good thing. You set your goals and you are succeeding. You have this trusting personality and you can tell that you believe in the things you do. Your tutorials are on point and really clear and you DO NOT LEAVE OUT anything. Just keep on doing what you are doing and if your are happy I kind of think we will all be happy. Good luck. Keep on keeping on and we will be with you.
Amazing! Congratulations! Your success story is so inspirational, and so important for me and other peoplewho want to make a living doing the things that they love. I know it takes work, but knowing that it IS possible give you that extra push! Great work! 🙂 Lisa
Umm Halil
Hi there Vanessa,
I have been an avid observer of your site for some time. I think I stumbled across it while searching for small crafts to make and have made a few of your things so far (chef’s hat and beanie). Your accomplishments are amazing! It is such an inspiration for others to keep on going with their dreams – and to never give up! All through your blog and videos, it is evident you are a hard worker – the dedication that is evident through your work and in the diversity of the projects you take on and complete! I am still awestruck that you built your sewing room! Keep on keeping on. May God bless you in your future endeavours!
Congratulations! You did it! God bless you and your family. I’m inspired!
Wow. That is really fabulous. Congratulations to both of you for accomplishing your goal and finding the way to make it work for your family.
This post is full of inspiration and it really moved me. It makes me happy to see your unconventional success story. I think we are wired to think a certain model of success that just doesn’t apply to everyone. I guess everyone defines success differently and everyone has differrent goals but when you have children your whole world changes and it’s so important to be there for them. In these busy societies we live in, we often can’t even stop to smell the roses let alone be “present” for our families. I personally I’m still devising a plan to do what I love everyday and have some freedom and better quality of life. I’m honored that you are my friend and have created such a great and wholesome life for you and your family. You inspire many people and this is more than just a hobby because you are also helping transform the way people think about their lives, their children, happiness and true fulfillment. Keep grinding because you can only continue to flourish from here. Congratulations again, soror!
As I was reading this I was shouting a lot of one worded agreements like Yeah! Amen! That’s it! OMG!
This has given me so much encouragement. I get looked down upon because I don’t have my life sorted because i don’t have a career plan. I don’t want my career to be define my life and my success.
that’s what demotivates people, they think that without a job, without money your life doesn’t mean anything. But it does we mean something and our family means something and to me that’s important.
Rita R Kummer
How very courageous of both of you.. May God grant you his blessings as you continue on your journey of life — all four of you!! Rita
Nichelle Frazier
You guys are awesome! Congrats to you both! Follower for years!
Congratulations Vanessa!!! I am SO happy for you and your family! Such wonderful news! God is so good! Been following you for a long time…Keep going, the sky’s the limit…can’t wait to completely work for myself. Glad you ignored the naysayers and followed the dream. You inspire me to do the same!
You go girl! Keep up the good work. you are smart, and you know what you want. I admire you,for doing
what you are doing. Don’t ever let anyone tell you what to do, If all the rest of your generation would think and do like you, we older generation wouldn’t have to worry so much. God Bless you and your family.May god be with you Always.
Linda McNeely
Venessa you have every right to feel proud and happy! Don’t listen to the people who say you should be doing something else. Anyone who can make a living ding what they love ” has the best of both worlds.
You have a beautifull family and you are so talented” I have been sewing and quilting for years but still learn something from your vidios. I love that you are do it yourselfer and can do anything yourself. that is the way I tried to raise my kids too. My boys knew how to cook, do laundry and even sew . the girls knew carpentry and anything else they wanted to do.Enjoy that beautifull family and stick to your beliefs! take care Linda
jane hyde
Hi vanessa,
Congratulations, you are such an inspiration – i am so proud to be part of your quilt club and am enjoying every minute of it
This is amazing news! Congrats!!!! You inspire me with everything you do. You are a very lucky woman to have such an amazing hubby and children. You should be proud of what you have accomplished. Do not stop now, keep reaching for the stars!!! I can not wait to see how you inspire me next. Thank you for sharing your world with us. I am glad you did.
Annette H
Congratulations!! What a blessing!!
Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your story. It’s really inspiring.
I’m working on my online business and keeping a positive attitude to persist and not give up.
Also trying to figure out this social media marketing to grow my business.
Wow. You are inspiring. You’re not just The Crafty Gemini, you’re a real person with a real life.
Jeanne Prue
Good for you!!! My husband quit his job to work with me on April 29, 2003, our personal Freedom Day. Best thing we could ever have done! Lots of challenges but oh, so satisfying. Best of luck to you!
I am new to sewing and so thankful to have found your tutorials. You have an amazing and natural teaching style. I love your story and LOVED this post. You and your family deserve all the best.
Good for you! I am so proud of you. I am so glad you followed your heart and worked your way to what you want. It will be sooooo worth it! I wish you every success.
Jessica Vaughan
I am so happy for you! I am so proud of you! I am so inspired by you! I wish you and your beautiful family every wonderful thing in this world! You deserve it! ❤️
I commend you on everything you are doing what a step your husband took he just felt it was time to make that change. Your are a woman after my own heart I’m still exploring and creating beautiful things and one day will stop working so I can complete the gift that God gave me. Everyday is such a blessing to know you have the skills to create and make different things so girl continue your journey and I will follow all your videos on youtube. Love and blessing.
Congratulation! I have a story similar I am honing my skills juggling a full time job and your inspiration tells me one day I’ll tell my story thank you I made my first pillow from your channel I’m a subscriber!
Flor Chavarria
Vanessa, you are an incredibly strong woman ans such an example to your children. You are an inspiration for so many, I have to say honestly you were my first YT I happened to stumble upon. I knew a little sewing but was curious about quilting. Your videos caught my eye just because of the “gemini” (long story) but you got me going, I learned about rotary cutters, rulers and mats from you and then so much more and you gave me the confidence to try.
I know this new huge stage in your life and your family’s will be a success.
May God be your guide and may He bless ever step and decision and bless your family.
Carma Y
You are amazing! I knew it the first time I watched your video tutorial on making a pillowcase. I am so glad to have found you. Congratulations to you, your husband & children! Live happy. And know you not only have an admirer from Ohio but also a cheerleader! 🙂
You are such an inspiration, you and your family. You are the example this country needs, live, love support each other and work hard and look what you have accomplished in your family. No blame on something or someone else. So proud of being a small part of seeing you grow. Love the pic of your family. And congrats on “retirement”
Vanessa and family! Praise the Lord on your successes! And best of wishes for your future! I have never read your blog or any on your utube videos. I will definitely being looking at them now! I would like to say that I think it would be a great idea to maybe include your husband and post some videos and or blogs on the living off your land and sustainability! I know I would like to know more about this so maybe this is an area ya’ll might think of going into as well! Just a thought! Best of luck and God Bless your beautiful family!
Omgossshhh!! So very excited for you & your family Vanessa!! Thank you for sharing your skills & your life with us!! Congratulations!!
I am so proud of you…you are a wonderful inspiration!!!!
Dear Vanessa,
I am so happy for you and your family! First I’d like to congratulate you on your success. Second, I want to thank you for all your Youtube videos, newsletters and blogs. I just started quilting recently, and had no idea what I was doing, outside of knowing how to use a sewing machine (which was broken). Finally got it fixed, and made my first baby quilt. The child is using it for her doll (that’s how long it took me) … Now I’m going to, attempt, to make my granddaughter a full size quilt for her bed.
It seems that whenever I’d ask simple questions on other blogs, or in a comment area on Youtube, I could never get a straight answer, or they would try to sell me something, “Buy my video lesson and all your answers will be there”. I am a disabled widow, living alone on Social Security, (which doesn’t pay much), and can barely make ends meet.
Thank you for all the help you’ve given me. The way you teach is absolutely amazing! I wish you all the luck in the world, and may God Bless you and your family.
Kanchan Karai
Congratulations to both of you! Your post is an inspiration who want to take their craft, hobbies to the next level. Good luck for your future ventures.
Batya S.
Mazel Tov!! I am so happy for you and your family!! I pray for the day we live the life you are living!! Tired of the city and long for land, farming, chickens and crafty stuff!! Praying it will happen as we take each step towards it. What an inspiration to those of us wanting to do what you are doing!! Blessings on you all and what a wonderful life you are teaching your beautiful children!! May they find wonderful supporting spouses to love te wonderful life we all dream of!
Shari mounce
I found you on YouTube a little over six months after my only daughter, kaitlyn Mounce, was killed by a drunk driver. She was 15 and I was heartbroken and crazy. I had to find something because I didn’t sleep. I made it to the wreck scene and have pstd. I found you and your cute videos saying “pretty side to pretty side”. My husband bought me a sewing machine at Walmart and I started making pillow cases and pillowcase dresses for Africa. Watching your videos, pausing and starting. You saved my sanity and you didn’t even know it. I would anxiety await the new videos and the quilt blocks. I would watch your family grow, your videos get better. The building of your shop and how cool it was, the way you layed that paper floor. Many nights I just wanted to die and be with my baby girl, but I would watch yor videos. You probably saved my life. Thank you. Shari I oklahoma, a grieving mom of Kaitlyn Cheyenne Mounce 5/13/96 to 1/11/2009 forever 15
Mary TP
Dear Shari, Thank you for sharing your grief. I am not good with conveying feelings in writing, but I must
tell you that sewing projects and being creative are my therapy for life’s journey of ups and downs. I pray for you in your grief and pray for your sewing machine. It will help along the way.
God Bless you.
congratulations Mr. & Mrs. you all have worked very hard to get at this point of your lives and you deserve it… It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving family. You are truly an amazing blessing to so many of us Vanessa! I thank your husband for allowing (encouraging) you to persue your dream… More wonderful things are yet to come for you all.
cheryl s.
Wow. What a wonderful story. Success even with adversity! Tell us more about your life and family, and I belong to the quilt club. Have learned so much and enjoying everything.
Judi V
AWESOME! Congratulations to all four of you; what a tremendous accomplishment for each of you and to a wonderful future!!
Gina Stevens
Congratulations to you and your family Vanessa. I have been following you since you carried your son on your back while showing us how to cook some recipes.
I can’t imagine anyone telling you that you are not good enough. You are more than good enough. You are one awesome determined woman, with a great hubby, and wonderful children.
I appreciate your videos. I watch your quilting videos even though I have no patience to make one. 🙂
I just hope you keep on doing what you’re doing.
Gina Stevens
Ng Lay Yen
Congratulations and 加油 !From a fan in Singapore.
Justina Albright
That’s amazing! That was a very courageous plan and I am very happy for you and your family!
Vanessa. WOW. That’s all I can say. You are an inspiration and may God continue to Bless You and Your Family. Keep your marriage God-based, healthy and first. Your children are precious. Now, enjoy the journey and stay true to the principles You and Your Husband laid as a foundation for your family and your business. Thanks for sharing-now get out there and teach us ALL something else to do so we can continue to support your endeavors!
I think this is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever read. I love that you, and your family, are living your dreams….you took risks and you’re makng it. I think the 4 smiling faces in your picture makes it all worth while. I love, love, love, when people figure out how to make their dreams come true. It’s risky, but I think because you have each other you’ll be fine no matter what. Congratulations….you are living the American Dream.
tisha @ quiltytherapy
Congrats!! All of the hard work has payed off. I look forward to reading your journey moving forward.
Vivian Lagares
Congratulations! ¡Felicitaciones!
Love your writing, you are inspiring others to do the same. Dios Bendiga tu Familia, May God Bless Your Family. As other have included in their reply, I am also looking forward to reading your journey moving forward.
Wow. Just wow. So glad I took the time out to read your most recent post and so glad to see someone aim high and reach their goals. Congratulations!
That’s a big brave step!! Love the family picture. You make a great team and I know you will continue to be successful.
What a wonderful story of you two. Congratulations, I am sure you will both have much success in this adventure together. i look forward to you posts.
Donna G from Australia
Congrats. I’ve been following you since 2011 I think. It’s been wonderful to watch you grow. You oughta tell people you are using your law degree to run your business. You make a great couple and equally great family. I remember so many years ago saying you would be on television. I honesty feel very blessed to have watched your journey. You did realise you put a new goal out there??? It will be a super home school exercise to build that new house together… Good luck girl
Great job Vanessa!!!
What an amazing accomplishment!! I’m sure this is just the beginning of many more accomplishments! Keep up the good work! Your Mom deserves an award for bringing you up tp have goals and the guts to follow them.
I am a new follower and I enjoy your youtube lessons.
Jake's a Girl
There is nothing better than a love you can build dreams and a future on. Blessings to you both!
What an awesome story & exciting milestone – how lucky your kids are to have you both at home!
Francine Shea
i love your tenacity! Keep moving forward. You both are great role models for your children. I will keep watching an learning. Your videos are on my ” bucket list” for traveling the country in our RV! Thanx so much.
Wow…. So happy for you . Hardwork pays off…Congratss and God Bless…
Flor Rojas
You are an amazing woman with an amazing family! You have done what so many would like to do. Best of luck!
Linda Thompson
I had not heard of you until Kathy sent me an email. So, of course, I had to check this person out. I’m really looking forward to meeting you at camp this next weekend at Okoboji…you will have a fun time!
Alicia Ray
You have encouraged me and taught me so much over the years. I have dealt with some of the same things that you have dealt with. You are such an inspiration to me. I own a business called Mamaw’s Mercantile. We are on Facebook. Currently, I do not have a website, but I am working things. Fear was what was holding me back, then one day I applied for a DBA and we are now an official business, not a hobby. Good luck to you and your family. God Bless you all!
You are more than good enough. I think you are a phenomenal woman (hope I spelled that right). I love what you have done. I love how you handle life business and family. I am just really happy for you.
TJ Hein
Yeah to hard work, good work ethics, great family support (your husband), and most of all following your dreams!!! thanks for sharing your story
Laura Lightner
What a beautiful letter written from the depths of your heart, while reading your letter I noticed tears rolling down my cheeks. My mouth dropped when you wrote about being told you are not good enough, which will truly make you feel worthless. I am extremely sorry you had to hear that and live through it. On the other hand I am thrilled you are such a different person and broke that circle, deciding to rear your children differently. When I first met you, I knew you were going places, you had determination, a drive for more, a passion for a better life for your family. You delegate when need be, your a great leader, an extraordinary Mother, and obviously a faithful devoted wife. You teach so well, that your students understand you, meaning you can explain in laymans terms to a non-sewer or quilter, in which they can actually grasp the concept or technique, a gift in itself, which you display well. You genuinely care about people, it shows in your spirit and the way you treat people. You have a very exciting road ahead of you, I am so excited you have a one in a million husband that has drive and a goal for Crafty Gemini as well. Sometimes you are tired and burned out, he pushes you just when you need it Always remember he is doing it out of love. Getting back to your parenting, it is such a joy to see you and or your husband participating in their lives. Gardening , hanging out with Ginny, and the other farm animals. Going out to do educational activities, or just their crafts. Your son sewing, what a blessing, soon it will be your little girl. You have accomplished so much with so much more to accomplish. Do not ever let negative attitudes, or negative people pull you down. You have a happy, healthy family, doing what you want. This is your family and your lives not theirs. You are not happy praticing law, that is your decision, not theirs. Tell them I do not tell you how to run your life, please do not tell me or my husband how and what we should be doing. We are doing what makes us happy, and taking care of our family, we support ourselves, were not on any government assisted programs,please keep your negativism to yourself. I care about you and am happy for you, could you please do the same for us and what we have accomplished thus far. We are living our dream, a lot of people do not get to do that. If they refuse to be thrilled for all your families accomplishment, well shame on them, your children should be around their Momma and Papa with all the positive attitudes you have. I want you to always remember there are people all over the world who do love you and what you have done for them. Crafting can heal the emotional spirit, look at all you have help heal. Vanessa I am extremely proud, and excited your husband could quit the corporate world and work on the farm, help educate the children, and build the business. What a gift you have given those little angels in a world where most parents work outside the home, you both are the minority. It will give your children such an advantage in life and the confidence they need, knowing THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO DO ANYTHING THY WANT. Remember you are the awesome, the one and only Crafty Gemini who will let nothing hold her down. Now with her husband at her side, LOOK OUT WORLD HERE THEY COME.
Love you all at Crafty Gemini
Rebecca Kamysz
Congratulations! You are inspiring! I’ve enjoyed your utube tutorials and in fact your pillow tutorial has helped me understand how to make this specific pillow case! Thank you so much for your past help and I hope to continue to learn from you. I wish you huge success!
Jo Ann Spencer
You’ve made a fortune off of me…lol…I watch and re watch and sew with your videos! Congrats and your husband’s and your new venture!
Wow! That is an inspiring story and you deserve all the rewards of your hard work! I’m sure you will continue going from strength to strength with your passion and love for your work. All the best to you and your beautiful family in this new chapter of your lives.
I love your website all the way from Australia!
Femi Adelugba
Congrats to you and your husband! What a loving and inspiring story! I salute your husband. Such an encourager!
Mika Wallace
Congratulations! Beautiful post, from a seemingly beautiful person. Very heartfelt and encouraging. I wish you and your family continued blessings in the future. You have done what’s best for your spirit and your family; not an easy path to take, but you did it successfully. I’m celebrating you 100%
Wow…amazing…your are such an inspiration…and you have a beautiful family…best of luck to all!
Great Post Vanessa. We are just like your family. My wife and I are masters of our own kingdom. We didn’t care what the naysayers said. We choose to craft our own path in life and we are very happy about it. It wasn’t easy as you have found out. But it is our journey and we enjoyed and continue to enjoy the journey. So enjoy the journey. Every little victory is a sweet one.
I wish you and your family the best things life could bring.
Carol W
Inspiration – you have it. Love – you have it. Beginning – today you found that. Determination – your future. Congratulations on your inspiring love story. The love of a family is the beginning of a happy future. Keep determined to follow that. You have succeeded!!!!! Best of luck to the Gemini Family!!!!
Heather E
Thank you for everything Vanessa. Thank you for writing this and giving us something to think about 🙂 I remember when I quit my job in 2009 to stay at home with our daughter. Now three children later, I am still at home. Though my husband is at his job still (and will be for some time), I am still thinking about what I will do when our newborn is a little older and I am ready for the next chapter. I also remember when we went to cloth diapers and I found your video on making cloth wipes (2010). That was my first CraftyGemini project 🙂 Thank you!
Congratulations. 30+ years ago my husband and I took the leap into self employment and retired 1 year ago. To us there was nothing better than working for ourselves. Hard work and good budgeting has paid off for us. We saved and invested every penny of our profits, covered all our expenses, bought a house and travelled through out the US. Now retired we are building a home in Montana and are looking forward to more exploration of our western states. As a bonus to working together our marriage is stronger and happier than ever.
We wish you and your family the best things life has to offer.
Amanda Rose
This kind of testimony was exactly what I needed to read! thank you so much for showing me (once again) how to…, and to show me it can be done, whatever it is!
Beautiful pictures of the family. Very happy for you four, enjoy it guys! you deserve it.
O. Jolly
Congrats! I’m so happy for you and your family!
Nancy Lindsay
Hello Amazing Family!!!! You are so inspiring to me. I am 52 and am having some health issues, but I believe in my heart of hearts that my dream is possible because of you and other adventurous spirits like you and your husband. My partner and I knew on the first date that we were destined to be together and we just went with it. Hats off to you for following your heart, your gut, your instincts and not listening to naysayers who might be a teeny bit jealous that they aren’t chance takers. I found you on youtube when I really needed a pick me up in life. I needed to create and your tutorial (making a pillowcase) was what I needed. The rest for me is quilting history. I don’t know what my next chapter will be… but I know there will be another, and another and another! Go girl and thanks for taking all of us on the ride with you!
Andrea Hawkins
I saw your tutorial with Jenny Doan today and was very inspired. You do have to follow your own star. I thought your project with Jenny was very well done. I am sure your legal education will still serve you.
I homeschooled my children for awhile. I am happy I did. It gave us some time together that we would not have had otherwise. Lots of people seem to be partnering with their spouses in the craft/quilt world. Good for you… 🙂
Congratulations. Your videos are great and I’m happy that you are able to do what you love.
Darlene Mitchell
Love your personality and methods of simple basic teachings. Very sweet and inspirational.
Suzie F
I just found your videos on Youtube a few days ago because I was looking for some sewing tutorials. They were so amazingly detailed and easy to follow that I wanted to check your website out – and this was the first article I read.
I am truly amazed by your strength and perseverance. It was really inspiring to read your story and I also really like when you write about growing your own food and teaching your children by showing a good example. I couldn’t agree more and it’s great to see that there are still children out there who don’t grow up with electronic gizmos stuck to their hands but who learn real, important things.
Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you and your family all the best!
Jan in WV
Just saw you on public television, liked what you do, so
looked you up on your site. I love your video’s and
how positive you are. Thanks!!!!
Vanessa Vargas Wilson
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the show. 🙂
Judy Franzem
Hi Vanessa!
Congratulations to you and your family! I have been pretty consistantly watching your videos ever since looking up how to make a pillow case. I had taken a sewing class years ago, but your tutorial made it look less complicating (than the instruction I was given in a class) and was very enjoyable to watch.
Recently I viewed your square foot garden from a couple of years ago as we are preparing ours for this season.
Keep the videos coming!
Wow!! From one Latina to another, I commend you!! I am also from NYC (the Bronx) and for so long I have been trying to figure out what it is I am good at. I have no true talent. I dont sing. I dont dance (except for merengue.. love me some perico ripiao…lol). I am not an artist. I dont play an instrument. And it really dawned on me that I am not good at anything… lol.. It made me so sad. And then I became a mother to my beautiful little ladybug, (also named Ali) and being a mother is what I was destined to be, because i am amazing at it! But I still want a hobby. A passion for something that I enjoy doing. One day my daughter was sick and OTC medicine wasnt doing it. I tried to go the natural route and IT WORKED! And I have been trying natural remedies and they have worked better and faster than even the most expensive OTC on the market. So I got so excited that I wanted to try to do other things naturally. And I was on you tube just searching randomly and i came across videos of people making bath bombs and natural lotions and body butters and lip balms and I was hooked. I bought all of the butters and oils and started making stuff! Amazing stuff. And then I came across your soap making video and felt inspired. I have done melt and pour soaps and i sell them as party favors.. but tonight… I will try cold processed soap making.
This past week I decided to take a leap and open an Etsy shop (LadybugKissesBBShop) which will be opening next weekend. I am not sure where this venture will take me, but I am having so much fun right now. I have finally found the passion I have been searching for for so long.
I read this blog and you are truly an inspiration to me. You have a beautiful family. What you and your husband are doing is truly admirable. Everytime I feel discouraged, I will read this blog again and I will push forward. If you can do it, I can do it too! I wish you continued success. Thank you and keep doing what you are doing!
PS- My hubby’s last name is also Wilson… lol
Vanessa Vargas Wilson
Girl! You must be Dominican too! You sound like my long lost twin! lol. So glad you found my videos and enjoyed reading this post. Definitely keep up the great work. It does pay off… pero hay que meterle mano, for sure! The grind is real. Take care y sigue pa’ lante. xo
Crescent Pearl
Congratulations for a well deserved reward. You are one of the best on you tube in my humble opinion. I wish you continued success.
Hello, I wanted to strat off by thanking you some much you have changed my life and I liketo think that god sent you to help people like me…….. if I could repay you fpr everything you have done for me I would get you the moon the stars and the sun and that wouldnt be enough because I owe yous so much more…… I went through war and survived it……. I got bad PTSD the horrors of the war were haunting me and I mean really haunting me…… at the time I was just thinking about how am I going to get through the next day without wishing I was dead….. everyone Iloved and everyone that ever supported me now was gone worst of all they were killed in front of me…. one day I was watching videos on youtube and ran across your video watched it I I fell in love with it went out bought some fabric made it relized later that day I wasent th7nking about killing my self I was so proud I watched more videos made more things its been 3 years now my PTSD has gone I mean gone I watch all your videos make all prijects your amazing I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything… I am so happy for you and youre husband if anyone deserves the best in life is you and your family you truly are an angel…..
Elisabeth Mellon
Vanessa, congrats! I have been enjoying your tutorials and blog for a couple years now. It’s funny…even though I already have several sewing machines, I like watching your reviews because you are so positive and peppy. You really have a gift for teaching and inspiring people. Congrats on you and your husband pursuing a dream and not giving up…keep at it. You have inspired me. Two years ago my husband was diagnosed with a degenerative disease. He is home now, and sometimes life seems overwhelming, but you have inspired me to not give up and keep pursuing my dreams. I look forward to following your continued creativity. God bless!
Jeff Flanigan
Congratulations! I’m confident that this will work out well 🙂
Vanessa, you are a wonderful inspiration to many….and to me ! Thanks so much for all you do. You and your husband have so much to be proud of. I wish that I would have thought of things as you do when I was much younger !
I have sent your blog to many young people ( your age and younger ) that I know, hoping that they too will catch on to your awesome ways and think that they can do it too !
Again, as a seamstress, a quilter and a paper crafter, I really enjoy your videos so much ! I just watched your fabric basket video and I am going to make a few of these this week..
Thanks so much !
Way to go,Vanessa and family! Happy Birthday to you!
Congratulations! The best of luck to you and your husband! Also, This story is very inspiring, and i hope to one day have my own business also, and this shows me that it is possible!
Patricia C. Akosah
Love your family photograph, you all look happy. I know you all will do well. Good luck. I dream to achieve and I hope I can do just as well.
Several years ago, I watched your video on making fabric coiled baskets. I thought “I can do that.” That was the beginning of crafts for me. Thank you for heading me in that direction. I am enjoying my retirement since you and YouTube came into my life.
My latest learning experience was watching your ‘triangle pouch video’. You have a gift when explaining how to make something. So happy that your whole family is involved with your business. You are indeed blessed. ????
Congrats. Really like your style and the way your carry yourself. You can feel your enthusiasm. Keep up the good work.
Three Cheers for you and DH!!! I can’t tell you how good it makes me feel to see our younger generation feeling the importance of 2 parents being there for their children:)
I’ve been with you watching for a very long time and was perhaps one of the first thanking you for your generosity of sharing your talents and keeping our “crafts” alive…
In short , congratulations…
In particular, I have a friend who was schooled (expensively and did extremely well),, but has found happiness in his “glass blowing business”… he has a video on his website for younger people to see that mentions he wished he had someone TELL him it’s OK to make a living being happy at what you do:))
he is at eyeandiglass.com (Vermont)
I found the video on Vimo:)
Eric Nelson is a single Dad of our dearest friends….
Congratulations Vanessa, I remember when you did the first You Tube video! I have seen you build your company with Enthusiasm and Grace, you are always such an inspiration to me! Take Care,
Sharon J
What an inspiration! Your kids are so lucky to have hands on parents like you and your husband. It will make all the difference in their growth and development. You are inspiring me to think out of the box and start a new venture for a second career. Keep up the hard work!
What a wonderful outlook you have on family and life .Congratulations to you and your husband for doing what YOU want to do.
I understand about the “not good enough” statement. Too many times in my lifetime I was told that. I HAD to change MY outlook. People do not change – they wear “blinders’ when it comes to “others’. You continue doing what you are doing for your family , business and yourself!!!!
Keep up the great work. I look forward to what ever is next from you.
Well done, GOOD and FAITHFUL servant!!!
You’re awesome!
Well done to both of you!
I’m new to the crafty gemini world, but hope to become a regular.
Vanessa Thomas
I enjoyed reading this!! Congratulations to you and your family on a great accomplishment, and WAY OF LIFE!!!! I pray it only gets better and better! 🙂
Diana Kastelic
Sooooooo inspirational Vanessa! Wish I had followed my bliss at a younger age rather than the corporate soul-sucking jobs I had for a couple of decades plus. But it’s never too late to try. Your success gives us all hope. You should be so proud of yourself (and I’ll bet your parents are too, even if they won’t admit it because they’re probably not happy to not have been included in your wedding, or regretting they didn’t go if they had the chance!). Your children are gorgeous, they and your husband look happy, you must be proud of them too. One happy family (and apparently you don’t require a lush ‘monster home’ in a posh suburb to have that). Congratulations!!
Jean Montle
Thank you so much for sharing your story It is amazing and inspirational .. Jean
Muy linda historia, felicidades!!
Congratulations, thanks for the encouraging words, you are such an inspiration, my God continue to bless and keep you and your family!!
It’s almost a year since this life change. Would you please post an update about how it’s going, if it’s not intruding?
Angie L
I have always loved your videos but after this, I can tell it is amazing to have found you, an example of brave and inspiring person. I am not young now but I want to stay home more time for my family and myself. God Bless you guys!!
Vanessa I am equally proud of and happy for you. I just read this story and it is wonderful. Thanks for sharing via FB today. It was a pleasure meeting you in Daytona at the AQS show and purchasing your ruler. Best wishes for continued success and an abundance of blessings to you and your beautiful family.
Pam B
Hi Vanessa. Just a note to congratulate you and your hubby on an outstanding job. I truly enjoy watching your videos and using some of your creative ideas. I am wishing you continued success and blessings to you and your family.
You are blessed as much as we are to have you teach us what you know!! Thank you for all you do!!
Wow! Thanks for this post, it is inspiring! And congratulations! I wish you a good and long life:-)
Nancy Morrell
Kudos to you! And your husband! Love your teaching videos, your classes, your outlook and your proof that commitment and hard work are KEY! ❤️
Mary Eileen White
Congratulations! What an amazing life story. Thank you for sharing. Keep living your life for yourself and your family💗 God bless you.
Pam Mettee
Thanks Vanessa for all you do for so many people like us! We really NEED YOU in our lives! I am so glad you are part of my life & so proud of your Achievements ! “You keep going girl !”