My husband doesn’t let me do too much these days because I am still pregnant!…. but I wanted to leave you all with a quick video where I make 2 BIG announcements…

1) I am going to be on ABC News’ 20/20 television show this Friday, September 23rd at 10:00pm EST!

The show has already aired.. if you missed it, no worries!  Watch the full episode HERE now!

Is that insane or what?! I’m hoping the excitement sends me into labor before then so I can be at home nursing a new baby and watching myself on national television! If you get a chance to watch it, please do!  Otherwise DVR or TIVO it!  I will blog about it afterwards and post a link to the full episode which will be available online for a limited time after the official tv airing.

2) The winners of the last YouTube giveaway I hosted are announced in this video as well!  Congratulations to azbelle3  and craftymom7.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement!  I really appreciate all your comments, emails and messages!

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