I used to subscribe to three different quilting magazines until I was pregnant with my DS. Then we reworked our budget and I decided to cut out my magazine subscriptions…partially to save some money and another side of me didn’t really need them. I was designing all my own quilts and I rarely ever reproduced a quilt I saw in a magazine. I really just read them to stay up on all the quilty-related contests, new products, sales, and of course just to admire some pretty quilts.
There are a few things about print magazines that I’m not really into.
1) The projects are not really my quilty style.
2) Too many ads take away from quilty material
3) It seems like it’s always the same people featured
4) No young or new quilter material
I’m a member of an online group for quilt designers and I recently found out about The Quilt Pattern Magazine:
a totally online quilting magazine! The first issue is scheduled to be released in January 2011 and I am too excited! The editors have a sample issue posted on the site for you to have an idea what it will be like. I have been corresponding with the editor to see how receptive they are to new designers submitting articles and projects and in her own words: “One major aim of TQPM is to feature new and upcoming designers and teachers.” AH!!! Finally!! The e-magazine of my quilty dreams!
Now check this out… You can subscribe right on their site and they are offering an introductory offer for a 1 year subscription of 12 issues, plus one extra issue FREE. That will be 13 issues for…. only $11.99 (US)! Love it! That’s more than 50% off other magazine subscriptions… and this will be a monthly publication! You know all the other ones are every 2 months. TQPM can afford to set the price so low because there are no printing or shipping costs! Here is my favorite part: We are guaranteed at least 5 quilt patterns in each issue– at about a $1 an issue for 5+ patterns you are paying just around $0.20 per pattern! WOW!
“All pattern templates will be in PDF format for accuracy of printing. Since there are no space limits, templates will not overlap one another the way they do in regular news stand magazines.”— love this!
I am so excited for The Quilt Pattern Magazine to come out it’s ridiculous! Spread the news to all your friends and get them to subscribe so TQPM can continue to give us the most quilting patterns for our money!
….and who knows? maybe you’ll see me one of my designs in the magazine someday.
Hi, I am Cindy CEO of TQPM (The Quilt Pattern Magazine). We are very excited about our new magazine and can hardly wait for the first issue to go live. As our editor has mentioned, we are looking for new designers and teachers to feature in the magazine. There are so many talented ones out there who have so much to offer the quilting world. We are honored to be the media chosen to present their first publications. A great benefit is that new designers will be able to add their appearance in TQPM to their résumés. Please let everyone know about our venture. It will be wonderful quilters and designers who make this all possible.
CEO “The Quilt Pattern Magazine”
Crafty Gemini
Cindy: Thank you so much for posting! I have shared the info on my facebook fan page as well and several followers posted to let me know that they have subscribed to TQPM and are very excited as well!