I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a fun time with the hubby and son but I spent it mostly working. Finishing up a quilt for my cousin who recently moved to NYC. Kept it nice and simple with loops and swirls. I love the colors! Hmmm.. is it me or is every quilty project I make full of these tutti-frutti colors?!
Also finished the binding on a baby quilt that will be up in my shop for sale tomorrow. Oh yea, my SHOP. I just launched the official Crafty Gemini Shop! There is a direct link to it on the top of this page too.
Remember that my Delightful Tweets e-pattern is on sale for only a few more days! If you know you will be needing to make a baby quilt in the near future or need a gift for a fellow quilter check it out in my shop.
Tutti fruitti is beautiful! Im going to attempt the dresden pattern using some bright colors for a quilt for my 11 yr old. If that works out then I’ll make one using black, gray, red and white for my wanna be goth/vampire/werewolf 13 yr old daughter. This will be my first attempt at a quilt that’s not a star quilt. Being Native American, when we quilt, 9 1/2 out of 10 of them are star quilts. lol