It’s time for the episode many of you have been waiting for… portion control!
This was a huge problem for me and I didn’t even know it!
I was so accustomed to eating huge meals that it took a loooong time to get used to. Now I’ve come to realize that this was one of my main problems all along. Once I began to control my portions and noticed the pounds coming off I quickly realized I could get back in shape without dieting, starving, popping pills or trying one of the millions of weight loss tricks on the market. Portion control is just what I needed. I’m not the dieting type. I don’t pop pills. I simply l-o-v-e good food and I could never give that up. It’s great that I don’t have to. I just have to eat less of it. And that is something I can definitely work with.
Hope you enjoy this episode of Weight Loss Wednesday. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you thought of it. Thanks!
{If you’re new to this series, click HERE to see the full list of all my Weight Loss Wednesday videos.}
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