Contact Us

For all business and customer service inquiries please contact:

or mailing address:  Crafty Gemini

                                PO BOX 346

                                Lacrosse, FL 32658

103 replies on “Contact Us

  • Stephanie

    Hi Vanessa,

    I’m subscribed to your website and haven’t received any emails for a while. Have you not published anything/tutorials etc.? I really look forward to them and have made several of your projects.


    • Stephanie

      Hi again,

      I haven’t received a reply to my email that I sent on July 21, 2016. I haven’t received any of your fun tutorials for a very long time. Are you not doing them any more?


  • mcdonner

    I purchased the table runner materials from the Sulky webinar but do not have instructions, where can I get the instructions?

  • Erica


    If we join the Bag of the Month Club are we able to view the tutorials anytime after they are released? For example, we can go back and watch tutorials multiple times. Or is it a one-time access to the video when it is released and we no longer have access to any videos or downloadable patterns once membership expires on 12/31/16?



    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Yes. You will have access to the content indefinitely. It’s not going to end in December. There just won’t be any more bags added to this group. You are signing up for 5 bags and you can access them whenever, forever.

  • mereluitaly

    I purchased your BAG OF THE MONTH CLUB for $60 via PAYPAL
    but I don’t see how to access the tutorials???

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi there. Thanks for signing up. The video courses are not posted yet. The first handbag will be posted in August 1st. To access the Bag Club page you need to open the email that was sent to you and click the link in it to access your account. Thanks.

  • Julie

    Hi Vanessa,
    I signed up with my PayPal account to take your “Bag of the Month” (5) course today.
    I was wondering when it will begin and how do I find it here on your site? I won’t be able to start it until 8/8/16 and just wanted to be ready for it when it is ready for up.
    If I am correct, I can replay instructions as often as I would want to.

    I have viewed some of your videos on you tube, but was not aware of classes and such until I got the email about the “Bag of the Month” course.

    Thank you,
    Julie OLeary

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Julie! Glad to hear you signed up and will be joining the bag making fun! All the details on how the Club work can be found here:
      As well as under the Frequently Asked Questions button when you login to the Club page. You were emailed a link to access your Club account and when you login there you will see the info. The first bag goes live on August 1st. See you then!

  • Brenda

    I do not have a paypal account and I do not wish one.. I wish to sign up for the bag of the month club how do I do that without pay pal

  • Tracey Hitchens

    Thanks for the emails etc. And answering questions etc. But due to my special needs children needing teaching aids. I can’t afford to join, and can’t find funds to do so. As a mom I know you get this.
    All the best with everything I know this new venture will be a hit!

  • Kathie

    I too do not have a paypal account. Had I not gone on “CONTACT US” and read some of the comments I would not have found the link to pay with a credit card. When you go to sign up, then to payment it only gives you the option to pay with paypal. Or did I miss something?

  • Monica

    I would like to know more details about the Hawthrone Florida Retreat that will be held this weekend. Are there available spots ? Where can I register? Fees Etc etc. Thank you,

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Monica. My retreats sell out months to a year in advance so unfortunately we are not accepting any more participants for any of the 3 retreats I have coming up these next few months. Please subscribe to my email newsletter list to find out about the 2017 retreat dates and info when we send that info out. Thanks!

  • Chris

    I signed up for the Bag of the month class on July 30. I went to login this morning and it still says processing. Can there be a reason for this. It looks like it came out of my paypal account.

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Chris. I just checked and it’s all gone through on my end as well. I emailed all Club members yesterday morning and I see you didn’t get the email. My system shows you unsubscribed yourself from one of my past emails so it unsubscribes you from ALL my emails. I fixed that for you and have just sent out that email. All the info for you to logon and access the course materials is in there. You should see it in your inbox shortly. Thanks!

  • Donna

    Hey there Vanessa! I was wondering about the Staci purse kits – if we didn’t pre-order one, are we out of luck at this point? I’ve tried to order twice on your site and I’m getting a strange message that says “try again in 10800 minutes” which actually made me crack up! (I almost busted out my calculator!) I will be on the lookout for the next kit but just wanted to check to figure out what’s going on with the Staci kit. Thanks!

  • margrett

    Hi Vanessa, I would like to sign up for the bags but not understanding why I need to add my address and phone number. So will I be getting stuff through the mail or phone calls? Also how long is this registration for and will we register for each set of bags that you create? You do good explanations, and produce good products.

  • LISA

    I am unable to view the video’s for Bag of the Month!! All I am able to get is audio. Yes, I have a very fast internet, so that isn’t the problem. Suggestions?

  • carol

    well here is the message that would help sorry This post is protected and can only be accessed by members of the Crafty Gemini Video Bag of the Month Club. To access it, you must purchase 2016 Video Bag of the Month Club MEMBERSHIP, or log in if you are already a member.

  • Carol

    Hi, I’m still waiting for my kit to arrive. Can you tell me if it is on the way? I can’t wait to get started.

  • Cathy


    That Staci purse was a bear and I am very experienced. The zipper opening was not big enough to turn the bag and the handles are too big and too stiff. I had to unstitch one side of my zipper to get the bag turned and now I will hand stitch it back in place.

    If this is the easiest one….oh my.


  • Christi

    Hi, I joined last night for the bag of the month club, as a gift for my birthday. I was so excited but, when we tried to print off pattern it would only print half size, instead of taking up the full page it only takes up one side and so the pattern is really small. We worked on it for over 3 hours, the instructions printed perfectly, but not the pattern. Now today is my birthday and my husband is mad at me for signing up and I’m really upset. I really want to take these classes, now I don’t know what to do. Please help.

  • Anne

    I’m having difficulty getting to the video class–bag of the month. Evidently I’m doing something wrong as I was able to get to the course once but have been unable since then. There are 2 different places to sign in and I’ve tried both. One says my course has been completed but I just started the course, plus the class presently has unlimited access–to the best I understand. Please send me directions on how to once again access this course. Anne

  • Julie

    Hi Vanessa,
    I just bought an iPad Pro 9.7 to take on vacation with me in December. I can’t seem to get into the bag of the month club that I belong to to watch the videos on. I also want to use the iPad upstairs in my sewing room because it is easier than taking my computer upstairs. Looking forward to September’s bag. Can you please tell me exactly what to type and how to get to my lessons. When I hit my classes here on the iPad it tells me I have none. How can I get back to Staci Bag if I want to make another one and how to get to the next one when it is ready?
    Thank you so much for your patience, as I am very computer challenged at times.
    Julie O’Leary

  • Rhonda King

    Hi I am in the bag of the month club.
    I am in Australia, so I was wondering if you would be able to tell me what hardware and interfacings etc
    I would need to purchase for all the bags.
    As I purchase online and it takes time to get things to me .
    Thank you

  • Sarah

    Hi ive paid for the bag of the month …yeahhhh but when I log in it says …u do not have any active cursus ….help pls
    Greetings.. Sarah harkema

  • Sarah

    Hi Every time i log in to crafty gemini iT says i have no curses arggggg i have the bag of the month club help pls xxx

  • Stephanie

    Hi there,
    I accidently deleted your email for October 1, 2016giving me access to the Loraine Bucket Bag. How do I find the web instructions without the email. Thanks Stephanie B.

  • Bettylou

    Vanessa, I have cried my heart out at the finish line for the Stacy Purse, for, after making beautiful outside and inside, my machine cannot sew them together. Stitching over the handles plus foam lining of the sides just cannot be done on my Brother machine. It did well with the parts, but stitching is basically not possible for the finish, as well as maneuvering the stiff combination around on the machine.

    I do not know what kind of machine this project is intended for, but unless I am mistaken with the directions on making this Purse, I have purchased this sewing club in error. I am a Senior Citizen, excited with having something fun to pursue, but totally hurt.

  • Anna Shetler

    This is probably not the place to post this but I was so happy with the results-I had to do it. Found you video on making the ironing board (small one) and it was so easy and I love it. Thanks-it will go with me in our MH and is so wonderful to have something so small and so useful. Thanks.

  • Emilie

    Hi Vanessa,
    I hope this find you and the family well, i got up at 07h00am South African time to start my third bag of the month challenge to find only my previous bags on my log in , of cause there is a time difference , login again at 17h00pm but no change, please advise when the third bag will be available for the subscribed members, thank you.and where can we send you our bags for you to see what a great work you are doing?

  • Maria Mayet

    Hi Vanessa, I’ve been looking all over for your fabric. There is one online shop that indicates coming soon. I NEED this fabric. xoxo, Maria

  • Stephanie

    Hi there,
    I think I am showing my age. I have signed up for your Bag of the Month class. I managed to make the first month’s bag. Since then, time runs a pace and I have had no time to work on the other bags. So my question is, if I delete the email that you send each month. How do I access the videos for making the bag. I can get to the videos with the email, but can’t figure out how to find them after I delete the email. I must be missing something. Can you help? Stephanie B.

    • Julia

      Hi Stephanie,

      bookmark your account site:
      go to that, log in. You’ll see the bag of the month club membership listed and it’s a link.
      When you click on that link, you get to all the bags and their tutorial websites with all the videos and so on.


  • Vicky Bruner

    I have a Bailey 15″ home quilting machine. I am trying to find a extension table to fit it. Want to do some ruler quilting. Would you know where I could find one. Thank you Vicky

  • Julia

    Hi Vanessa,
    I’m a member of the bag of the month club, and would like to join the FB group, but I’m not with that email on FB (due to security measures). I’ve requested access to your facebook group under my email and it would be great if you could give me access.

    I would like to share my Staci Purse pic 🙂 and I need to ask you where you got the hole puncher stiletto and the snipper scissors with the short blades but long handle – can’t find them on
    Thank you so much
    Merry Christmas & a very happy and successful new year

  • Paulette

    Hi Vanessa, it’s Paulette from Timmins Ontario Canada????????. I’d like to order your embroidery kit but I have the designer epic by Husqvarna ant it has a big bobbin. I don’t even know the size ( the machine was a gift to myself for retirement) Are you able to get pre wound bobbins for this machine?
    Thank you much

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Paulette. Yes. You would need the L sized prewounds. So, when you buy the kit just shoot me an email saying so and we will swap yours out before mailing. Thanks!

    • Paulette

      Hi Vanessa, it’s Paulette again!!!! I’ve just purchased the kit so I will need the L sized prewounds.
      Thanks much

  • michelle

    hi venessa, i just bought the staci purse kit, the bag of the month, will i have access to the video ,if yes were would i found the video

  • Anna

    HI, First of all, I want to say how refreshing it is to have someone explain things to beginners. You do it and I understand it-thanks so much. I did purchase an embroidery machine with my machine, a year ago, but still haven’t used it (except for the workshop to introduce you to it). I think I just might start using it now and follow you. I thought I would like to take a workshop but most of the people who attend know so much and thought I would be “out of place” You do such a great job. Thank you, thank you. I tried to email you since I had a question regarding using your site and downloads. I wanted to know if I could use your designs with my Apple computer. I was told I had to get a different program to use the Apple for my designs-Is that true? I have a Bernina. Thanks you soooooo much. Anna

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Anna. Glad you will be following along! I replied to your email so you should have it in your inbox. Thanks!

  • LISA

    I purchased the Embroidery kit on January 8th 2017. I received my kit. I am unable to do the downloads because it says it’s still ” processing”? You’ve been paid. So I don’t understand why I can’t access what I paid for. I followed all your specific instructions. Is there a reason it’s not processed? This is very frustrating. I was looking forward to learning how to use my Embroidery machine.

    I would appreciate and answer as soon as possible.

  • Kendra

    Howdy from Texas. I bought both 5 in and 10 in slicer and , have tried the 5 in slicer, thank you so much. I love it and more over with this tutorial I did it right. I thought ohh no its not even and when I saw you even up edges I knew was on the right track. I am going to show this to my guild and they will love it.Also will show all the different ways you put the triangle one together. I have many charms and I mean MANY,,lol as well as layer cakes so thank you again. I am able to understand everything you explain. I have a disability and therefore a little times lost,, lol So thank you , keep up the great work. Bless you

  • Sheila Kimberly Robinson

    Hi Vanessa
    I think I deleted my post question. How do I access the video portion of the 2016 bag club? ordered 2016 and 2017 yesterday, got everything but I don’t know where to find the video portion. Help

  • debbiboop

    Hi Vanessa, I joined your latest bag of the month for 60. I was wondering why I can’t view. Will you confirm my order? Thank you.

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Debbi, when you join any of my bag of the month clubs you are automatically sent an email receipt. In there you will find the info for logging into the club and info on when the first course goes live. Here is the direct link for you to login: Thanks!

  • Abby

    Hi Vanessa,

    Love your tutorials that are wonderful I can get enough of them. I have a question though. I would love to sign up for the bag of the month club, however I only own a sewing machine, is it still possible to quit and do the other things, like applique with just a sewing machine?

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Abby. Thanks for your interest in my bag club! Yes. You can do the quilting of the fabric panels with just a sewing machine. The embroidery designs are just optional to give some students an idea of what else they can do to the bags if they have an embroidery machine but all that is required is a sewing machine in good working condition that can sew through several layers of fabric. Hope that helps.

  • Jenetta M

    Hello Vanessa,
    I ordered these items and never received them as of yet. Any idea when I should expect them? I know your out of the country as of today. Please let me know if there is a problem. Thank you. Order #17829 was placed on February 24, 2017. I ordered 4″ Hardware for Pop Out Pouch (2-pack) × 2 and Crafty Gemini ® Tear-It Away Stabilizer × 1.

    Thanks again, Have fun in Costa Rica.

  • Michelle Lacayo

    Hi. I purchased the BOHO video tutorial. I made it all the way to #11. Video # 11 and 12 are not even there to watch. I refreshed and still no video. Next morning, I tried to watch all of them, and NADA. Please help. I am in the middle of making this bag.


  • Bonnie

    Hey Vanessa,

    Just wanting to know if your fabric is going to be available again?

    Anxious to hear!!

    Thanks, Suzy

  • Diane

    Help Vanessa,

    last night I was watching the new tutorial and when I went back on I deleted the 2017 tutorial package I have tried everything I can think of to find them is there away to get them again Diane thanks

  • Mary Baxter

    Hi Vanessa. I saw the u tube tutorial on making headbands. you showed how to make them & made the one for the adult size. I am wanting to make the child size. What are the measurements for a child’s headband please

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      Hi Mary. I suggest you measure your granddaughter’s head and base it off that measurement. All heads measure differently and it depends on the age of the child as well. Happy sewing.

  • Mirta

    Good Afternoon Vanessa,

    I know you are a very busy lady, I keep up w ur post, tutorials and ck your facebook to see new happenings and pictures. You are awesome.
    A while back you had a blog up w picture of Jonathan making shorts with a fabric he designed he drew the design and you had it printed, could you tell me who did that for for? was it expensive? I need to get some fabric w Hercules C-130 Airplanes on it for my SIL retiring from Air Force and cant find fabric w those planes anywhere. It is to make in a quilt. Can you point me somewhere Please.
    Muchas Gracias por su Help.

    Mirta Reyes

  • Jenetta M

    Hi Vanessa.

    So, I signed in to my account to access the BOHO bag video, and I can not find it. When i go to my order number, it shows up, high lighted. When i click on the link, to directs me to the purchase page. I usually have trouble finding this video but, usually find my way to it. Im still having trouble. Can you please help me?

  • cynthia

    I understand you home school. My grand children are also. It has been requested that when the next session starts that i begin to teach sewing. My grand-daughter is 5-plus and is quite familiar with grandma sewing,we even did some machine sewing when she was 3 with her hands on mine as i guided the fabric( making coasters for gifts) so there is a bit of knowledge base. Now its time for the real thing. I have a machine, old Kenmore in like new condition, for her to work with. We have learn to book, but it suggests the child be 7-9. I feel she is ready but would like some pointers on getting started. I feel 20 min. 2X a week would be a good time frame. I am not to certain about having her practicing her skills between time alone on the machine. Would appreciate any help you could provide.

  • LISA

    Hi Vanessa, I purchased both your 5″ and 10″ slicer rulers a long time ago. I did not realize they had links to the tutorials specific to each ruler. Could you please send both of those to my email?? Also when I purchased the embroidery kit from you there was a purse handle in it. When will we be working with that hardware??


  • Vanessa Trant

    My name is Vanessa, also. I sew, have an organic garden and raise chickens, and I live in North Carolina. I recently made a drawstring bag using five jelly roll strips after watching one of your tutorials. I love it, and have made quite a few of them for Christmas presents. I thought you might like to know that they make really cute toilet tissue holders and look really nice in the bathroom. You could make them to match the bathroom or make special ones for the holidays. Just love it. Thanks!

  • Terry Vance Sheldon

    Vanessa, I’m not sure if I joined or not…When I try to register/log in, it won’t allow me to do either. Help!

  • Robert Harp

    From El Paso, TX, a huge ‘thank you’ for accomplishing the unimaginable. For the first time in my almost 40 years on Earth, I can proudly say I possess basic sewing skills! Oh yeah!
    As a suit-and-tie kinda guy (five to six days a week,) the number of shirts, slacks and sport coats with fabric tears and missing buttons seemed to grow by the hour. And what a waste of money since the damaged clothing piled up in a
    spare bedroom until eventually getting professionally repaired.
    Despite live, in-person tutorials from the likes of my mother, sisters, and friends, I couldn’t grasp the concept of basic sewing until I watched a few of YOUR videos. In less than half an hour, I learned how to and successfully replaced two buttons and hemmed one pant leg! I appreciate not only your easy-to-follow guidance, but also your soothing voice, overall approach and ability to clearly share your knowledge with complete strangers.
    Let this be a reminder of just how affective your tutorials really can be. A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Vanessa. You’re my hero. 🙂

  • Cat

    Hi Vanessa, I have just started back to sewing after a long absence, watching your videos has made my return absolutely wonderful! I immediately began sewing projects after watching your videos. They are so informative and very easy to follow. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience.

  • Gloria Laube

    I have everything for the paper piecing tulepán project and have started cutting; however, some people have commented they can’t find video #6. Is there a video somewhere showing how to finish off the project? This is my first paper piecing, and your instructions are excellent.

  • Alice L. Angelo

    Vanessa, I have not been able to download Patchwork Oven Mitt pattern. I’ve already ordered the grid interfacing. Can you please help me with this matter. Thanks so much.

  • Sarita

    all download work except my CG flower design they do not download it saying file might be damage. please explain step in recieving them ;i can see them in my document but cannot open.
    thank you

  • Inta Gravitis

    Hi, Vanessa,
    I tried ordering a clip slide tape, but needed an account password which I don’t have. Please advise how I could proceed. Thank you.
    You are a fabulous teacher. The tutorials are excellent. Keep up the good work!

    • Vanessa Vargas Wilson

      The password it’s asking you for is the password you want to use to login to your account going forward. You can enter one and proceed. Thanks!

Comments are closed.